Thursday, December 29, 2011

Things to Accomplish in 2012

Christmas is over and it's time to start thinking about the new year. It sure seems like 2011 flew by in the blink of an eye. It got me thinking that I really didn't accomplish much this year, so I wanted to put down in writing some of my goals for 2012.

1. Finish painting hallway and ceiling in kitchen/living room.
2. Put blinds on the living room windows.
3. Save up and pay cash for living room furniture.
4. Build an entertainment center for the living room (with Todd's help of course).
5. Paint and reorganize Todd & Brenda's bedroom.
6. Pull up carpet in bedroom.
7. Organize the cupboards and closets.
8. Draft up plans for remodeling bathroom.
9. Read a book a month.
10. Get healthy (doesn't mean diet).
11. Eat more veggies - double Y - U - C - K!
12. Go for at least one walk a week.
13. Play on computer less and go outside more.
14. Take some kind of class (photography, cake making, sewing).
15. Take photographs good enough to frame and display in the house.
16. Plan at least 1 vacation, develop itinerary and budget, and track.
17. Buy a more professional wardrobe for work (boring but necessary).
18. Do some sort of car maintenance at least once a month.
19. Tell someone "I love you" every day (preferably family or friends).
20. Be thankful for something at least once a day.

I think it's a good idea to have a list that everyone can see. I believe it will make me try and stick to it a little more than just making a mental list. We'll see how many of these goals I accomplish at the end of next year. Here's crossing my fingers.


Todd said...

I really liked this blog writeup. Hope I can help make some of these come to fruition...I've got both my eyes on you.

Brenda said...

Where's your list? I want to help you with yours as well.

You can help me with the one where I tell someone I love them every day ;)