Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm Snot That Bad

As I've indicated in previous posts, my job has been keeping me busy. I work in an office environment about 50% of the time, with the remaining 50% interacting with children and staff at several different school sites. This week I have been out at sites more than usual, as is par for the course at the beginning of school. On two different occasions I was stuck / saddled with the kindergarten group. I have to be honest, they scare me. Yes, I have an elementary teaching credential, but of all the grades, kinders scare me the most. Why? I can't really say, but I think it has to do with them being so needy and having no sense of personal space. Anywho, on Monday I was sent to a site and my job there was to keep the kinders occupied while the instructor checked all of the older children in to the program. No problem. I asked all 20 of them if they wanted to sing a song, to which I got an enthusiastic "YESSSSSSSSSSSS!" They were so excited. I have been told that one of the best things about kinders is that they don't care about your voice, they just love to sing. So I told them the song we were going to sing, broke in to song, did my little act and was really impressed with myself, I was entertaining the little ones! So I finished, asked them if they wanted to sing another song and I got an "Ummmmm, uuuhhhhhhh, uuuuuuuuccccckkkk No thank you. We don't like it." Hey, I thought kinders didn't care if you couldn't sing... I was misinformed!

On Wednesday I was sent to a different site, where again I had kinder duty. There was one little guy who was having a difficult time. He was hot, he was tired, he was four....he had a meltdown. This little fellow decided to go hide behind a chair rack and cry incessantly. I spent about 15 minutes trying to coax him out, and finally succeeded when I said, "I need a friend. Can you be my friend?" The little boy finally came out, red eyed and snot faced, grabbed my arm, said, "You are my BEST FRIEND!" and then proceeded to wipe his snotty nose all across my hand and arm -AWESOME!

Boy, I can't wait to see what next week holds - jeez.

This isn't the child from work, his face isn't snotty enough.

Things I'm thankful for today:
Kids that can blow their own nose.
That I'm not trying to make a living off of my singing skills.

1 comment:

Todd said...

Gross - I like your singing voice and think this must have been a bunch of retarded kinders...