Friday, August 20, 2010

It's been a busy week at work and I have been lagging (some might call it procrastinating) on my chores. On Wednesday I didn't get home until after 9 PM, and Thursday I got home around 8:30 PM. Here we are on Friday, and I was finally able to get some much needed housework done.

I made Todd dinner (GASP - I know) and then proceeded to do the dishes. I started to load the dishwasher and all of a sudden there was a SMELL. At first it smelled like flarties, but then it morphed into a raw sewage smell, or maybe even a death smell. I gagged and wretched and decided that I was going to be smart and turn on the whole house fan. *Word of advice when dealing with smells...DO NOT TURN YOUR WHOLE HOUSE FAN! I managed to pull that horrible smell throughout the house and permeate several rooms. Eventually the smell dissipated, but man did I learn my time I'm gonna let Todd do the dishes:P

Things I'm thankful for today:
A busy week because it makes the weekend get here sooner.
Whole house fans.
Smell goody candles and wall plug thingies.

1 comment:

Todd said...

Flarties? That's funny - Todd will never be doing the dishes - that's woman's work:)