Sunday, August 29, 2010

I Love This Man

Because Todd loves me...

he spent all day ditch witching so that he can install a sprinkler system at the front of the house. He knows that I love grass, so he spent 6 hours prepping about an acre of our property for pvc pipe and sprinklers which he will probably finish within the next couple of weeks. Poor guy had to take Motrin because he is so
sore :(

Because I love him...

I spent most of the day cleaning out closets. The picture above is just clothes that I am getting rid of so that he can have some space in our closet.

Thing I'm thankful for today:
Being married to the absolute most amazing man in the world.

1 comment:

Todd said...

Yeah - your husband is pretty awesome I must say. And he has an equally awesome wife...I love doing stuff to make you happy...