Thursday, October 31, 2013

More of Day 2 & Day 3 - The Ridge

After Todd and I had recuperated from our hike
and cleaned up a little bit, we decided to take
a drive around Lake Tahoe.
The weather was fabulous and there were so
so many Fall colors.
We stopped at Eagle Falls to take some pictures.

It's a tiny little hike
(if you can even call it that).

When we finally got over to the falls,
after I slipped, fell and slid down a boulder,
we were a little disappointed with the trickle
that was supposed to be Eagle Falls.
We had been here before and the falls
 were in full force.  Just not this day.
Note to self:  Don't visit any falls when
it is at the end of a very dry summer, and fall.
After we had had enough site seeing,
we decided it was time for dinner.
Todd was craving salad, and I was craving pizza.
Pizza and salad for dinner it was.
Yummy BBQ chicken pizza.

Todd enjoying our relaxing dinner.
Nobody was in the restaurant but us.
After dinner we headed back to the resort
and hit the spa.  I wanted to make sure my
muscles weren't aching the next day
(because of our hike).
We hung out for about an hour and then called it a night.
We woke up about 6:45 on Sunday and
watched the sunrise from our room.
It was beautiful.

After watching the sunrise, we packed our
things up and headed home.

Again, it was perfect weather and it was a perfect
end to our perfect little vacation.
And just for an FYI -
I was told it snowed 6 inches on Monday,
so we truly had perfect timing.


Anonymous said...

Loved all 3 episodes!! Keep up the good work :-) AA

Brenda said...

Thanks Anne. I would try and do the recaps all in one post but I have WAY too many pictures. Plus it gives me something to blog about throughout the week.