Thursday, October 10, 2013

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Current picture of one of our sad little tomato plants.

The garden has seen better days.

That huge plant in the middle is our cucumber plant.
Our garden has seen better days.
The last tomatoes are barely hanging on,
and that means it's almost time to tear out the old stuff
and plant some new winter veggies.
I'm thinking broccoli, carrots, asparagus, and cauliflower.
I'm impressed with how well this little garden produced.
Todd and I felt fairly successful,
and plan on having another garden next year.
The strawberries were mush.
Tasted totally disgusting,
We are still trying to decide if we will plant them,
or maybe we will try a different type.
I planted some watermelon, and they produced cute
little baby melons, but didn't get any bigger
than the size of a tennis ball.
I'm not sure this fruit will make an appearance next year.
Our cucumber plant was amazing.
It produced and produced and produced.
I really want to learn how to pickle them
because there was no way we could eat them all.
Several went bad and were given to our chickens/birds.
The crookneck squash was a little on the slow
side to produce, but it finally did.
I'm sure we will plant it again next year
(mostly because I LOVE IT!).
The zucchini produced about the same as the crookneck
and we plan on planting it again next year.
Our green beans were amazing.
They produced from the beginning of the summer
up until about two weeks ago.
We will definitely have them again.
My poor little herbs bit the dust because
they were planted next to a tomato plant and it
engulfed it with its enormousness. 
I think I might plant these in a separate planter next year.
We decided that we will plant next
years tomatoes from hanging baskets.
The plants got so big and top heavy in the planters 
that they would topple over and break.
We had so many tomatoes that we were giving them away.
Next year I want to try red, yellow and green bell peppers.
Todd wants to plant peas, celery and chard.
Any suggestions on veggies we didn't mention.

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