Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Palmer for Supervisor

Todd and I had the opportunity to help
support one of our friends in his quest for District Supervisor.
Tim Palmer is a teacher at our local school, and a super guy.
He is dedicated to making our county the best it can be.
When he asked us if we would come to his BBQ fundraiser,
Todd and I jumped at the chance.
It was a beautiful evening.
Perfect weather, friendly people, great food.
We are super excited to support Tim and can't wait to see
where this journey takes him.
Selfies of Todd and I with Tim walking in the background
(he's in the blue shirt).

The wonderful BBQ dinner.
So delicious!
Tim giving a 10 minute speech about his
hopes and goals for his candidacy.
My cute honey enjoying the positive energy from the evening.
Have you ever attended a political dinner?
Where they as awesome as Tim?
Details please.

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