Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sunday With Some of the Family

We celebrated Ole Uncle Lynn's birthday this past weekend.
Todd arranged to meet Lynn for breakfast,
and when we got to the restaurant, my parents were there.
It wasn't planned, but a very nice surprise.

We enjoyed a nice meal and some conversation,
and when breakfast was over, we all headed over 
to Lynn's house to see his new fireplace and floors.

Can I just say IMPRESSIVE!
Take a look for yourself.
The fireplace is beautiful.

Being the bad blogger that I am,
I didn't get a picture of his new floors,
but I did manage to get random other shots.

We all gathered on the porch because it
was a beautiful 100+ degrees.
I think it got to 103, but I don't really want to know
the actual temperature because high
temperatures make me really grumpy!

Here's a random photo of the kids and yours truly.

After a tour of Lynn's house, we headed over to Todd's
dads house.  He just got some Koi, and we 
had heard they were humongous.

We saw the fish in the first pond,
and while the fish were large, I wouldn't categorize
 them as humongous.

Then we headed to the second pond.

This bad boy looked like a whale!
He was HUGE, 
as in massive, as in I've never seen a Koi this large.

Here's a picture to give you a little perspective.
The Koi around him I would consider pretty decent size.
The fish must be like two feet long.

I know you are probably thinking,
"I can't believe she's going on about a fish."
but seriously have to see it to believe it.

We ended up spending most of the day
with family, and it was such a sweet time.
Everyone is so busy these days,
so it's a real treat when we get to visit.

So what did you do this weekend?
Did you see a fish the size of a whale?


Anonymous said...

Dennis was telling us about his new Koi at Bries graduation. Now I know what a Butterfly Koi looks like...beautiful. It was good to see your kiddos at graduation too! They all grow up way too fast.

Brenda said...

Sorry we missed you. It's always nice visiting. You should see these Koi two feet long. It really looks like a whale compared to the other fish.

I know the kids are so grown up. We really enjoy the time we get to spend with them. Usually it's not much, so we take anything we can get.