Friday, March 7, 2014

Skinny or Not

More the latter.
So I started this Weight Watcher nonsense last week.
Can I tell you that dieting makes me grumpy.
Exercise makes me even grumpier.
Like I would rather gnaw my arm off than exercise.
That's probably why I need to do this diet
thing in the first place.
I don't have many plans this week except
to sit around the house and feel sorry for myself.
Maybe I'll go on a walk, weather permitting
(actually, it prob depends more on my attitude than weather).
Before I forget, if you live around here,
don't forget to change your clocks this weekend.
Yep, we lose an hour sleep...
yet another reason to be grumpy.
And while I'm ranting,
can I tell you that I have a horrible pain in my
hand that makes a sharp shooting pain all the way
through my middle finger.
It makes me want to flip people off.
Not because I'm mad, but because it feels better
to have my hand in that position
(although, if I were mad it would be a good excuse!).
Okay, rant over.
I promise I'll be in a better mood next week
when my body is not in shock from lack of nourishment.
Have a great weekend.

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