Friday, March 14, 2014

Happy Pi Day

 Today is Pi Day,
 you know the Greek number
3.1415926535897...(etc, etc)
that is used to represent the most widely
known mathematical constant.
This being 3/14 (March 14th),
it is imperative that you celebrate.
So what can you do to celebrate Pi Day you ask?
The Exploratorium in San Francisco
holds special events on this day, they claim to have started.
Eat a piece of pie.  Any type, any brand will do
(Although it shouldn't cost you more than $3.14/slice).
You could do the Pi Day Fun Run in Carson City, NV.
What about doing the New York Times Pi Puzzle.
However you decide to celebrate,
I'm sure next year will hold even
more untold adventures as Pi Day will occur on
Now go get wild and crazy and celebrate.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

Brenda, I learn something new from you everyday!! I never heard of Pi day... Thanks for the information!