Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Kids X's 4

Well, I spilled the beans that our 
pygmy goats had babies last week.
So I thought I would properly introduce you
to the newest members of the McComb clan.

The first batch born belong to Biscotti.

Momma Biscotti

She had two babies mid last week.
Her babies are Pebbles (female) and Bam Bam (male)
(You might recognize them from my Friday post).
They are active as can be, and can be caught
jumping around and playing at any given time of  the day.

Bam Bam

Domino had her babies Friday night.
We happened to get home right as she was delivering,
and even got some video of the ordeal
(don't worry - I won't gross you out and post it).
She delivered three kids, but only two survived.
Domino seems to be more "pygmy" of the two,
and Todd and I were both amazed 
she managed to deliver three.
It was a little touch and go on Friday night 
and Saturday morning.  The babies were
very weak and shaky, and we thought that they
weren't eating.  We went to our local grocery
store, purchased some D milk and a bottle,
and headed down to hand feed them.
The babies were resistant at first, 
but it seems like once they got the hang of it...
they were off.
Poor Domino, they haven't left her alone since.

We named her babies Yogi and Boo Boo (both males).
They are much smaller than the other two,
and a little more quiet, but they seem to be doing great now.

Momma Domino


Boo Boo
Just for fun I added some short little videos
so you can see just how cute these little ones are.



Dennis said...

They are sure little cuties!!

I remember when we had little goats when Todd was real young. They would climb up tree logs that we piled up for them to climb on...

Great fun to watch!!

Brenda said...

They are little cuties, and sooo soft. These little ones like to climb on the rocks in their pen area and play king/queen of the mountain. It's fun to sit there and watch.