Wednesday, March 5, 2014

New Lights

As most of you know, my new word for the year is "IMPROVE".
I've been doing a fairly good job, thus far, adhering to some goals
that I had set for myself and/or my family.
As you may remember, home was one of the 
things I wanted to work on improving.  
Todd (mostly) and I have done some 
home improvement - see here and here.

This weekend we decided to tackle a long overdue project,
our entry lights.  When we built the house, back in the mid 90's,
we loved the brass look.  Our door handle/lock was brass,
our fireplace doors were brass, and our entry lights were brass
(And by brass, I mean color.  I'm not sure if they're real brass).
Todd's Uncle Lynn was thoughtful and bought us these lights
as a housewarming gift, and they have served us well over
the past 17ish years.  However, they are now looking a little 
worse for wear, and definitely need to be replaced.

So, on Saturday, I did what I do best, I went shopping. 
I picked up some pretty entry lights at Lowe's.  
They were a little pricey,
about $80./ea, but they make a world of difference.
Take a look and see for yourself.

Old lights.  Not a good look.

Don't mind the black blob.
I just blacked out our address so no weirdo 
stalkers could hunt us down.

As you can see, the old lights were a little worse for wear.

Todd got busy replacing them the minute I got home.
I literally took one out of the car, and by the time
I came back with the other one, he was already
taking the old lights down.

Look at my cute little handy man.
Hubba hubba!

After removing the first light, Todd found a little surprise.
Apparently some wasps had made a nest behind the light.
I'm surprised our house didn't burn down with all 
that junk piled in there.

It didn't take long for Todd to finish installing the 
new lights, and I have to say,

Well, hello gorgeous. 
Where have you been all my life?

I can't believe the difference two new lights can make.
I have a couple of other things that are being 
worked on that are around the door area,
but I don't want to share until it is ALL completed.
So I guess you'll just have to hold on
 to your panties and wait a little longer. 
 Or knowing how fast we complete projects
 around here, a lot longer.

So tell me, have you made any cheap fixes
to your house lately that look
 like a million bucks?
C'mon - share!


Anonymous said...

You did a great job picking out lights, Brenda!! They look just beautiful and nice work, Todd, getting the old ones off and the new ones on. AA

Brenda said...

Thanks Anne. It feels like somebody cares a little. I can't wait to get the rest of the entry cleaned and spiffy.