Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Pillow Attack

So you know how pillows normally look, right?
Something like this.
Well...the other day I was not feeling well
so I went to bed fairly early.
When I woke up,
this is what I was sleeping on.

Apparently I tore the pillow case off,
shredded the pillow cover, and proceeded
to shove my hand in the middle of the pillow.
When I showed my kids what I had done,
my son said, "Whoa mom, you skinned the pillow.
We're gonna have to call you Buffalo Brenda."
For those of you who don't get the Buffalo Brenda reference,
you have to watch Silence of the Lambs.  There's a
villain in the movie named Buffalo Bill.
Look it up.
So it looks like I will be buying myself a new
pillow here in the near future.
On the bright side, now I have stuffing for
any Christmas crafts I may want to make.

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