Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Or should I say bangs.
I got my hair done this weekend and I got bangs.

It's been at least 15 year, and probably
more like 20 since I've rocked the bangs look and I really like them.
However, there is a slight problem.
I don't remember how to style them.
My lovely hairdresser, Nicole, works magic.
But when I go home and try and do the same thing,
well, this is what you get.
Ya, I think I need a little more practice.


Anonymous said...

You look about 20 years old in the first picture!! What could happen that the bangs wouldn't just hang down?? You have such beautiful hair and a beautiful face to go with it!! When do we get the Chico scoop? AA

Brenda said...

Thanks Anne. I sure wish I felt 20 years old! My hair is curly so it has a mind of its own and so sometimes it likes to stick straight up.

Chico scoop just posted. It's a short post because we didn't have time to do much. At least you can see some pictures of the kids though.