Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fall Surprises

This weekend I noticed a rose growing.
Big deal, you might think, and usually I would
think the same.  However, most everything is
dead or dying due to the weather and season.
I couldn't believe it when I saw this beauty.

It is big and beautiful and purple.
Remember when I told you that our garden was
sputtering out and it was time to pull out all the old
plants and plant some new ones.
Well, we haven't done either.
I figured since everything was dead there was
no huge hurry, and I'm not set on
planting a winter garden. 
Check out this bounty ...
The bucket is about 1/3 f the way full with pear
 tomatoes and a couple of cherry tomatoes.
Sindy had to help pick the tomatoes and
she told me she wanted some recognition for all her hard work.
Here you go Sindy.
you're famous now -
you're on the Internet!
So is your garden still producing?

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