Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Happy Friday

Hopefully you had a great Thanksgiving
and a fantastic Friday.
Anytime I don't have to work on Friday,
its fantastic!
The kids left this morning, and will be back
in a couple of weeks. 
I got up early and made Chicken and Dumplings
for them to take home.
They left pretty happy.
Other than that it has been a wonderfully
relaxing day at home.
I did a little cyber shopping.
(I prefer computer shopping over a crowd any day).
Todd worked in his shop.
A perfect day off!
So how was you Thanksgiving
did you have the day off?

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving.
My hope is that you relax
and take time to enjoy your family.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Crazy Little Flower

I swear, everything at our house is crazy:
animals, people, plants.
Look what was blooming the other morning
The stinking flower thinks it's spring.
It's been 40-60 degrees,
and it thinks it's spring.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Pillow Attack

So you know how pillows normally look, right?
Something like this.
Well...the other day I was not feeling well
so I went to bed fairly early.
When I woke up,
this is what I was sleeping on.

Apparently I tore the pillow case off,
shredded the pillow cover, and proceeded
to shove my hand in the middle of the pillow.
When I showed my kids what I had done,
my son said, "Whoa mom, you skinned the pillow.
We're gonna have to call you Buffalo Brenda."
For those of you who don't get the Buffalo Brenda reference,
you have to watch Silence of the Lambs.  There's a
villain in the movie named Buffalo Bill.
Look it up.
So it looks like I will be buying myself a new
pillow here in the near future.
On the bright side, now I have stuffing for
any Christmas crafts I may want to make.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Cuteness Explosion

Now that is one BA puppy!

Thanksgiving Decorations

I want to add a little Thanksgiving flair this holiday.
So where is the first place I headed to?
Pinterest, of course.
I had two requirements -
1.  Cheap
2.  Easy
Three projects caught my eye.
Thanksgiving Centerpiece.jpg
This first picture caught my eye because it looks extremely simple.
I believe the pumpkins aren't real, but that's the beauty,
you can either buy a fake pumpkin and cut a hole in the top,
or you can buy a real pumpkin, cut a hole in the top and gut it.
Personally, I think I would go the fake pumpkin way and
either arrange flowers in a vase and place in the pumpkin,
or buy a potted plant

I thought this would be nice because all I would have to purchase
to get this look are a couple of tea lights.
I have several fallen branches and  pine cones on my property,
and I thought this was a cute option.
Carve pumpkins with a drill.

This final picture is probably my favorite.
I could picture these drilled pumpkins sitting on a table
in a dimly lit room.  If you did one like the middle
pumpkin, drilled the holes, cut a hole in the top and then
place a cup with a flameless candle and then place a
cup/vase with flowers on top of that, it could
 be an attractive centerpiece.

What are your plans for jazzing up the
 table this holiday season?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Time Saving

As a working mom/wife, it seems like there is 
always something to do and never enough time.
I am constantly looking for ways to save time doing chores/errands.

I am by no stretch of the imagination an expert in 
time management or housekeeping, but I thought
I would share a tip on one thing I do to save some minutes during
the week so that I am not exhausted.

On Sunday evening (usually), I will try and prepare meals
that will keep during the week so that we may have a 
homemade prepared meal in the time it takes to heat something up.
It has never taken me more than an hour to
prepare the meals, and I find it to be time well spent.

I usually talk to Todd and ask him what he would like to eat,
and if he doesn't care, then I just make a couple of easy meals.

This Sunday I wasn't feeling particularly well, so I made meals
that were fairly easy to put together.

Ham with red currant sauce.
I fed this to Todd this evening with green beans and stuffing.
It took no more than 10 minutes to put together.

Next up, 
Split pea soup.
(There are peas in there, they were just 
on the bottom when I took this picture).
Add a salad and some bread, and 

And finally, 
I baked about 10 potatoes (I think I went a little overboard).
We haven't had these yet, but my plan is to 
do a potato bar.
Todd wants to put chili, cheese and onion in them.
You could also do broccoli and cheese with ham,
sour cream and chive,
mixed vegetables
or whatever your heart desires.
I would add a protein, personally, because it 
tends to fill me up for a longer amount of time.

I have a few go to recipes that I tend to default to.
Corn bread casserole
Chicken and dumplings
Chicken soup
and so on.

I make these so often that I can put them together
quickly and have them come out edible.

So there you have it my friends,
a little trick that I use that I thought you might find useful.
What do you do as a time saver?
Please share.
I think this could be helpful to several people.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Doing the Friday Night Weekend Dance

This was the LONGEST short week
I've had in a long time.
Work was a bear, and I'm exhausted.
I do plan to relax, but Todd has Saturday
pretty filled up with errands.
I hope you have a great weekend
and I will talk to you next week.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

No Bake Cookies

I had a craving.
A bad one.
For some reason I REALLY wanted
No Bake Cookies.
If you haven't tried them, you should
(assuming you're not allergic to peanut butter).
Here's what you'll need:


  2 cups sugar
4 tablespoons cocoa
1 stick butter
1/2 cup milk
1 cup peanut butter
1 tablespoon vanilla
3 cups oatmeal
Waxed paper
In a heavy saucepan bring to a boil, the sugar, cocoa, butter and milk.
Let boil for 1 minute

Add peanut butter, vanilla and oatmeal.

On a sheet of waxed paper, drop mixture by
the teaspoonfuls, until cooled and hardened.

Not really low fat, but really delicious
if you like chocolate, peanut butter and sugar.
Recipe from .

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Go Alyssa!

This past weekend Todd and I watched a soccer game.
Alyssa Wimmer and Lexx played together on
the same competitive soccer team for four years.
While they were in the same age group,
Alyssa is a year above Lexx.
Ms. Alyssa is graduating from William Jessup University
in December, so Todd and I decided we needed
to go watch her last home game.
I'm so glad we did.
WJU played against Menlo and beat them 1-0.
Alyssa almost made a bicycle kick into the goal
in the last few minutes of the game but it barely missed.
So exciting!
I was so impressed with how much she has
grown as a soccer player and a woman.
Lyss plans to move to Ecuador and work with
impoverished families in the jungle.
She is truly an amazing human being.
Kathy, Alyssa and Max Wimmer
Max and Kathy

Ayssa's sisters watching her game.

Alyssa with a big smile on her face.
Our victory cowbell.
WJU travels to Arizona to play in the championships.
I'll keep you updated as I hear more.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fall Surprises

This weekend I noticed a rose growing.
Big deal, you might think, and usually I would
think the same.  However, most everything is
dead or dying due to the weather and season.
I couldn't believe it when I saw this beauty.

It is big and beautiful and purple.
Remember when I told you that our garden was
sputtering out and it was time to pull out all the old
plants and plant some new ones.
Well, we haven't done either.
I figured since everything was dead there was
no huge hurry, and I'm not set on
planting a winter garden. 
Check out this bounty ...
The bucket is about 1/3 f the way full with pear
 tomatoes and a couple of cherry tomatoes.
Sindy had to help pick the tomatoes and
she told me she wanted some recognition for all her hard work.
Here you go Sindy.
you're famous now -
you're on the Internet!
So is your garden still producing?

Friday, November 8, 2013

Veteran's Day Weekend

We have started our three day weekend.
Some really big plans are involved.
Are you ready for this?
General cleaning
My house really does need a little attention.
I've had a busy past couple weekends and
cleaning hasn't been a priority.

I can't say I'm super excited about my plans,
 but I can't complain too much because
at least I don't have to work.
Please tell me you that you have more exciting plans than me -
I really want to live vicariously through you.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

What In the What?

When I was going to work the other day,
I looked down the driveway and saw
something that I had never seen before.
I drove a little closer so I could get a picture.
See if you can tell what it was I saw.


Colorful bird

Disappearing bird
I'm pretty sure it was a pheasant,
but for the life of me, I couldn't find his picture on the Internet.
I have never seen one around here so I'm
wondering if it belongs to somebody and escaped.
maybe I just haven't seen one and they are all over the place.
Who knows?
Anyone out there know what type of bird this is,
and if it's a pheasant, what type?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

My Kiddos

Todd and I visited the kiddos this past weekend.
It was a short visit.
We arrived at their house around 3 PM and headed back home by 10.
Although it was short, we packed a lot in those few short hours.
Our visit consisted mostly of shopping and eating (what else).
We also managed t take quite a few goofy pictures.

Typical family picture.
None of us can act serious.

We did some serious shopping.
We took some pictures in the Walmart parking lot at night.

And in the mall while we were waiting for Lexx.
We hit up TJ Maxx,
Walmart, Home Depot, Hometown Buffet, & Bath & Body Works.
After the whirlwind shopping spree,
my feet were aching, and everyone was tired
so we ended up going back to the kids apartment.
Natan came out and visited for a bit.
And before we knew it, it was time to go home.
It was a short visit,
but I got my kiddo fix.
They are happy and healthy and doing well -
I can't ask for more.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Or should I say bangs.
I got my hair done this weekend and I got bangs.

It's been at least 15 year, and probably
more like 20 since I've rocked the bangs look and I really like them.
However, there is a slight problem.
I don't remember how to style them.
My lovely hairdresser, Nicole, works magic.
But when I go home and try and do the same thing,
well, this is what you get.
Ya, I think I need a little more practice.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Friday

We made it to another weekend.
Yeah us!
I'm going to see the kids this weekend,
and I'm super excited.
Can't wait to see how their apartment is shaping up.
I'll be back next week with all the details.