Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Game Changer!

How was your long weekend?
Mine was fabulous!
We finished a couple projects we had been wanting to do,
but mostly we just relaxed and enjoyed each others company.
My project was born of necessity.
I have bras, several of them,
and for those of you who know me, you know I'm not small busted.
This presents a problem when storing away the bras.
Basically, they are so big, they don't really fit in my dresser.
So what happens to them you ask?
Mostly they end up draped over whatever is nearest to me.
I really don't like the look of bras hanging everywhere,
so I needed to come up with a solution.
Pinterest, my friends, is a life changer I tell you.
Guess what I found while checking Pinterest out,
yep, a bra solution.
For $5.00, I got the bras off of my couch
and hung up in some sort of organized fashion.
What you'll need:
A drill with the appropriate size drill bit
Wooden hangers with notches in them
Either screw eyes or hooks

It was a happy coincidence that I chose the perfect
sized screw eyes that fit into a hole in the bottom of the hanger.
I didn't have to drill at all because there
was already a small hole.

After I inserted the eye screws in, this is what it looked like.
Then all I had to do was insert the hangers into the eyes.

Room enough for 5 bras.

Tada, the finished product!
Not bad for $5 and about 10 minutes worth of work.
So what do you think?
Have any better ideas on how to store bras
(that is if you wear them - I know you guys can't relate).


Alddeus said...

Now that is an impressive display of workmanship! Very clever. I've never seen you use power tools before. :)

Brenda said...

I wish I could take credit for the idea, but I saw it on Pinterest. I just made it the way I wanted instead of the way it was pictured on Pinterest.

I have used power tools before. I built a bench for Papa, and I definitely have used a drill before (if you consider that a true power tool).