Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Georgetown Founder's Day

Remember about three posts ago when I said
there were so many things I wanted to do
that I was overwhelmed.
Well, I actually did one of the things on my list
(and actually talked Todd into it as well).
It's been about 15 years since I went to Founder's Day
in the little town that I grew up in.
In the past it got a little rowdy, and had several
over intoxicated people wandering about,
so Todd and I made it a point to avoid the festivities.
A couple years ago, the coordinators of Founder's Day
made a concerted effort to try and
make the event more family friendly.
With this in mind, I decided I wanted to give it another shot.
We arrived in Georgetown just minutes before noon,
and right as the parade was starting.
It was a fun time.
The parade lasted about 45 minutes(ish),
and then we just wandered about checking out the little vendors.
I didn't purchase anything,
but I may or may not have taste tested the lime margaritas.
I was impressed with how well run the event went
and everyone, while we were there, was well behaved.
Will we attend next year?
It's a definite maybe.
Todd and I doing a selfie before the event.
Jr. Grizzly cheerleaders doing a chant to get the crowd motivated.
Random elderly lady playing the pipe organ (we think).
Little boys and their quarter midget cars.
Tim Palmer (a personal friend) - he's running for County Supervisor.
From top:
We saw some familiar faces - Niece Briana
(and we didn't even know they were going - small towns!).
A picture of the crowd.
Nephew Adam.
Firefighters who were in the parade.
Todd and I mugging it up one last time.

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