Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Busy, Busy Weekend

I survived the big in-service this past Saturday.
There was a phenomenal turnout,
and first numbers in looks like it was the most
well attended in-service we have ever had.
My breakout session was packed so much
that we didn't have enough chairs.
Didn't matter much though because we
had a great time.
I'm usually the one who gets to lecture and talk
about the importance of this and that.
This year I just got to have fun.
We did music, dance and drama,
and just had a jolly ole time.
All the feedback has been positive,
and we are being told by employees that this is their
absolute favorite in-service that they have attended.
Yeah us!
After the in-service was over,
Todd took me out to lunch.
We went to Old Town Grill.
Todd ordered an Elk Burger because
 he had never had one and he wanted to try it out.
I played it safe and had a Teriyaki Chicken Salad.
Todd awaiting his Elk Burger.

The famous Elk Burger. 
I didn't include a picture of my salad because, let's face it,
everyone knows what a Teriyaki chicken salad looks like.
I tasted a tiny bit, and to me it tasted a bit like venison.
It kind of had a gamy taste.
Todd liked it.
Me - meh.
After lunch we visited a couple of the little stores
in Downtown Placerville, but we didn't end up buying anything
(It's a Christmas miracle!)
We ended up heading home after about an hour,
and as soon as I stepped foot in my bedroom,
I took a nap.
I was exhausted.
After my batteries were recharged,
Todd and I headed in to Auburn to go see
It was awesome,
of course if you don't like sci fi,
this might not be the movie for you.
I survived the day and ended back home
and in bed by 9 PM.
Not a bad start to the weekend.
So were you as busy as I was?
Up at 5 AM and working from 6:30 AM - 1:30 PM?

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