Wednesday, September 11, 2013

24th Anniversary

Todd and I celebrated our 24th anniversary yesterday.
It was pretty much business as usual:
wake up early, get ready and go to work.
Because our anniversary fell in the middle of the week,
we decided we would keep it mellow for now
and really celebrate at a later date.
Todd was a sweetheart and took me out to dinner at
We had a wonderful & relaxing dinner
and then afterwards Todd bought me my
most favorite perfume on the face of the earth.
True story;
I was out shopping one day, looking through some blouses
and a man kind of shimmied up next to me.
I thought weird,
so I moved to another aisle.
Sure enough, the man followed me over to the other aisle.
So.,...I headed to the second floor,
and when I turned around
the guy was standing right behind me.
I glared at the guy,
and he said,
"I'm sorry, you just smell so good I couldn't help myself.
Can I tell you that you just made my day."
He then turned around and walked off.
(Creepy - maybe just a little).
Don't you think Chanel should use this idea as an advertisement?
My point?
That's how good it smells.
So now I have a wonderful new beautiful bottle of perfume to wear.
Spoiled much?
Maybe just a little.
Todd and I taking a selfie on our 24th anniversary. 
My anniversary gift.

I love it soooooo much.
So have you been spoiled lately?


Anonymous said...

You two look fantastic!! AA

Brenda said...

Thanks Anne. It's kind of crummy because it was taken from a camera phone at 9 PM. Other than being blurry, for us it's a decent picture. We are both looking at the camera and not making goofy faces. Score!