Friday, September 27, 2013

Woo Hoo!!

I've got nothing spectacular planned this weekend.
It looks like grocery shopping, cleaning the house (boo!),
and maybe a little project.
I have to say, I welcome the down time
because I'm so busy at work, it's physically killing me!
Hope you have a super fabulous weekend
and get all the sleeping in you want, and all the fun you need!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fall's Coming!

We are finally getting some nice cool weather around here.
I am SUPER excited!
It's been in the 70's this week and I'm loving it.
A couple more weeks and I can pull the sweaters and boots out!

What is your favorite thing about fall?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Georgetown Founder's Day

Remember about three posts ago when I said
there were so many things I wanted to do
that I was overwhelmed.
Well, I actually did one of the things on my list
(and actually talked Todd into it as well).
It's been about 15 years since I went to Founder's Day
in the little town that I grew up in.
In the past it got a little rowdy, and had several
over intoxicated people wandering about,
so Todd and I made it a point to avoid the festivities.
A couple years ago, the coordinators of Founder's Day
made a concerted effort to try and
make the event more family friendly.
With this in mind, I decided I wanted to give it another shot.
We arrived in Georgetown just minutes before noon,
and right as the parade was starting.
It was a fun time.
The parade lasted about 45 minutes(ish),
and then we just wandered about checking out the little vendors.
I didn't purchase anything,
but I may or may not have taste tested the lime margaritas.
I was impressed with how well run the event went
and everyone, while we were there, was well behaved.
Will we attend next year?
It's a definite maybe.
Todd and I doing a selfie before the event.
Jr. Grizzly cheerleaders doing a chant to get the crowd motivated.
Random elderly lady playing the pipe organ (we think).
Little boys and their quarter midget cars.
Tim Palmer (a personal friend) - he's running for County Supervisor.
From top:
We saw some familiar faces - Niece Briana
(and we didn't even know they were going - small towns!).
A picture of the crowd.
Nephew Adam.
Firefighters who were in the parade.
Todd and I mugging it up one last time.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


I had a fun filled weekend,
and I can't wait to share some little details with you.
I woke up Saturday ready to go out to breakfast,
and Todd wasn't game.
He had some sort of tummy bug.
So, being the compassionate and loving wife that I am,
I left him home alone
(In my defense, I catch EVERYTHING!).
I ran some errands in town,
and made a stop at Starbucks.
I had been wanting to try their Pumpkin Spice Latte.
Everyone raves about it,
so I thought I would give it a shot.

It was love at first sight.
It's orangy goodness.

We became best friends - fast!
We hung out for a while,
and when PSL went to have it's picture taken,
I photobombed it like any BFF would.

I love you PSL!
I'm so glad you are in my life.
Have you made any new BFF's like me,
or do you have any new fall favorites?

Friday, September 20, 2013


Thank goodness it's Friday.
Work has been a beast, and I am dead tired.
I don't have any plans, per say, this weekend,
but there are several things that I would like to do.
So many things that it overwhelms me trying to think about it.
So what will I do?
Probably stay home because I can't decide what I want to do.
Does this ever happen to you?
Just me, hmmmm.
And with that
I thought I would leave you with a little funny to start off your weekend.

And this my friends is why I never got a tattoo.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Fall Mantel Inspiration

I'm super excited for Fall to arrive,
just like every other person on the blogosphere.
I recently made a stop at TJ Maxx and found some
treasures to decorate our mantel.
I needed a little inspiration, so I hit up Pinterest,
and it didn't disappoint.

This one is my personal favorite.


(I know this isn't exactly the mantel, but it's right below it!)

So have you seen anything lately that inspired you?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


While the kids were visiting,
they showed me this awesome video.
The girl is talented
(and very flexible).
Apparently she tried out for
America's Got Talent
and didn't do so well.
Determined not to let that get her down,
she changed up her genre.
She started out as a  hip hop violinist
and then converted to dub step (more or less).
Listen and see what you think.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Birthday Fun

The family got together last weekend.
We celebrated five birthdays.
It was fun to see everybody,
because it's been at least four months since we gathered.
The best part, Austin and Lexx came back for the weekend.
I didn't get too many pictures,
but I managed to get some low quality camera phone pics.
Lexx, Austin, Briana and yours truly.

Momma and her babies!

The cousins.

Todd and his German chocolate cake.

Kierra and her pie.

Amy's pie.

I didn't get many pictures,
but rest assured that we had a great time with great food.
Anne and Dennis outdid themselves,
and as always, everyone was spoiled.
Thank you Dennis and Anne.

Friday, September 13, 2013

We Made It

I thought the weekend would never get here!
It has been a long work week,
and I cannot wait to sleep in and relax.
The kids are coming home this weekend,
and Todd and I are super excited to see them.
I'm even thinking about cooking dinner for them
(I know, GASP, right!)
Lasagna I'm thinking.
Sounds pretty good.
Have a lovely and relaxing weekend.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Even Better

As I showed you in an earlier post,
Todd finished building his Adirondack chair.
While the original chair was beautiful,
he's improved his project and made it even better.
He stained the chair a with a natural stain,
and it makes the redwood glow.
Todd also built the little footstool 
that goes with the chair.
The original chair took about 6 hours to build,
the little footstool only took an hour or two. 
Beautiful, yes?
Now all we need to do is add pillows.
I have a hard time dishing out $30 for
something I don't absolutely love.
Todd and I came up with an idea for some
homemade outdoor pillows.
We'll see if that works out.
If not, here are a couple of possible options.

So what type of pillows do you think I should use?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

24th Anniversary

Todd and I celebrated our 24th anniversary yesterday.
It was pretty much business as usual:
wake up early, get ready and go to work.
Because our anniversary fell in the middle of the week,
we decided we would keep it mellow for now
and really celebrate at a later date.
Todd was a sweetheart and took me out to dinner at
We had a wonderful & relaxing dinner
and then afterwards Todd bought me my
most favorite perfume on the face of the earth.
True story;
I was out shopping one day, looking through some blouses
and a man kind of shimmied up next to me.
I thought weird,
so I moved to another aisle.
Sure enough, the man followed me over to the other aisle.
So.,...I headed to the second floor,
and when I turned around
the guy was standing right behind me.
I glared at the guy,
and he said,
"I'm sorry, you just smell so good I couldn't help myself.
Can I tell you that you just made my day."
He then turned around and walked off.
(Creepy - maybe just a little).
Don't you think Chanel should use this idea as an advertisement?
My point?
That's how good it smells.
So now I have a wonderful new beautiful bottle of perfume to wear.
Spoiled much?
Maybe just a little.
Todd and I taking a selfie on our 24th anniversary. 
My anniversary gift.

I love it soooooo much.
So have you been spoiled lately?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Busy, Busy Weekend

I survived the big in-service this past Saturday.
There was a phenomenal turnout,
and first numbers in looks like it was the most
well attended in-service we have ever had.
My breakout session was packed so much
that we didn't have enough chairs.
Didn't matter much though because we
had a great time.
I'm usually the one who gets to lecture and talk
about the importance of this and that.
This year I just got to have fun.
We did music, dance and drama,
and just had a jolly ole time.
All the feedback has been positive,
and we are being told by employees that this is their
absolute favorite in-service that they have attended.
Yeah us!
After the in-service was over,
Todd took me out to lunch.
We went to Old Town Grill.
Todd ordered an Elk Burger because
 he had never had one and he wanted to try it out.
I played it safe and had a Teriyaki Chicken Salad.
Todd awaiting his Elk Burger.

The famous Elk Burger. 
I didn't include a picture of my salad because, let's face it,
everyone knows what a Teriyaki chicken salad looks like.
I tasted a tiny bit, and to me it tasted a bit like venison.
It kind of had a gamy taste.
Todd liked it.
Me - meh.
After lunch we visited a couple of the little stores
in Downtown Placerville, but we didn't end up buying anything
(It's a Christmas miracle!)
We ended up heading home after about an hour,
and as soon as I stepped foot in my bedroom,
I took a nap.
I was exhausted.
After my batteries were recharged,
Todd and I headed in to Auburn to go see
It was awesome,
of course if you don't like sci fi,
this might not be the movie for you.
I survived the day and ended back home
and in bed by 9 PM.
Not a bad start to the weekend.
So were you as busy as I was?
Up at 5 AM and working from 6:30 AM - 1:30 PM?

Friday, September 6, 2013

Yeah Weekend

I wish I was doing this.
It looks so relaxing.
I have to work Saturday, it's the big in-service that I present at every year.
The plus side to working Saturday is that I get to comp the time
and take a day off later in the month.

Hope you have a very relaxing weekend
(unlike mine - I know boo hoo).


Thursday, September 5, 2013


I am married to one talented man.
On Saturday Todd tells me that he's going to build us
an Adirondack chair - 6 hours later -

Todd spent $100 on wood and supplies.
He could have spent less, but he wanted sturdier wood,
so that we would have a sturdier chair.

Because I'm a bad blogger,
 I didn't get a picture of the original pile of wood.
I did, however, get bits and pieces of him cutting
the wood and rounding off edges.

A couple of pieces cut and complete.

Beginning assembly.

The completed chair (minus stain).

Here she is in all her glory (again before stain).

Todd enjoying his hard work.

Since this picture, Todd has stained it a beautiful natural finish.
It looks fantastic!

Because this turned out so well, Todd now wants to build
another chair,  footstools, a bench and a side table.
I can't wait to see how it all turns out.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Fruitcake Lady

I always appreciate good advice,
especially when it comes from my elders.
I thought you might enjoy the little pearls
of wisdom that the Fruitcake Lady has to share.
If you are easily offended and dislike foul language -
skip this video.
Hmmm - I have some advice to ponder.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Game Changer!

How was your long weekend?
Mine was fabulous!
We finished a couple projects we had been wanting to do,
but mostly we just relaxed and enjoyed each others company.
My project was born of necessity.
I have bras, several of them,
and for those of you who know me, you know I'm not small busted.
This presents a problem when storing away the bras.
Basically, they are so big, they don't really fit in my dresser.
So what happens to them you ask?
Mostly they end up draped over whatever is nearest to me.
I really don't like the look of bras hanging everywhere,
so I needed to come up with a solution.
Pinterest, my friends, is a life changer I tell you.
Guess what I found while checking Pinterest out,
yep, a bra solution.
For $5.00, I got the bras off of my couch
and hung up in some sort of organized fashion.
What you'll need:
A drill with the appropriate size drill bit
Wooden hangers with notches in them
Either screw eyes or hooks

It was a happy coincidence that I chose the perfect
sized screw eyes that fit into a hole in the bottom of the hanger.
I didn't have to drill at all because there
was already a small hole.

After I inserted the eye screws in, this is what it looked like.
Then all I had to do was insert the hangers into the eyes.

Room enough for 5 bras.

Tada, the finished product!
Not bad for $5 and about 10 minutes worth of work.
So what do you think?
Have any better ideas on how to store bras
(that is if you wear them - I know you guys can't relate).