Thursday, September 5, 2013


I am married to one talented man.
On Saturday Todd tells me that he's going to build us
an Adirondack chair - 6 hours later -

Todd spent $100 on wood and supplies.
He could have spent less, but he wanted sturdier wood,
so that we would have a sturdier chair.

Because I'm a bad blogger,
 I didn't get a picture of the original pile of wood.
I did, however, get bits and pieces of him cutting
the wood and rounding off edges.

A couple of pieces cut and complete.

Beginning assembly.

The completed chair (minus stain).

Here she is in all her glory (again before stain).

Todd enjoying his hard work.

Since this picture, Todd has stained it a beautiful natural finish.
It looks fantastic!

Because this turned out so well, Todd now wants to build
another chair,  footstools, a bench and a side table.
I can't wait to see how it all turns out.


Dennis said...

Wow, I love it!

I need the recipe, Okay??

Amy said...

Great job! Looks super comfy. :)

Brenda said...

Dennis - I'll have Todd give you the plans, or at least explain how to make it.

Amy - it is super comfy. You'll have to come and try it out!