Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Mmmmmm Peaches

When I was driving home from work last week
I happened to look to the right while I was 
heading up our driveway.
I caught a glimpse of something, and I couldn't 
believe my eyes.
I actually slammed on my breaks!

What stirred such a reaction?

My mom and dad ate some peaches that they
thought tasted spectacular, so they saved the pits,
put them in some soil and nurtured them into little trees.
Because my parents aren't always home, 
we inherited these trees that they grew from scratch.
Todd planted about four peach trees 
probably 5 years ago.
Four of them our in our center turn around area,
and one of them is off to the right of our driveway.
The trees in our center area, well let's just say
they're a little pitiful.
So pitiful in fact that they have been given up on.

Yes that is oak tree branch leaning on the mini peach tree/bush/shrub.

Not very impressive foliage.

That is why when I saw peaches growing,
I was in complete and utter shock.
Big peach tree with no peaches.
We picked them all.

It's pretty tall.
I would say 8-10'

I think we're cursed.
Things we want to grow die, and things 
we don't care about or give up on thrive.
Hmmmm, weird.
Maybe we just love them to death?

Anywho, what did I do with the peaches?
I told Todd about them.
He picked them.

 I cut them up,

 added a little tiny bit of sugar,
and of course put them on top of my ice cream.

Duh - who doesn't do that?


Anonymous said...

Okay, since you asked..... I can think of 1 person who doesn't do fruit on ice cream:-) That person will remain "anonymous" -lol Those are gorgeous peaches!! I am surprised the birds didn't ruin them.

Brenda said...

That's only because you don't eat ice cream Anne. I thought we were pretty lucky to get the peaches, especially because we weren't expecting them. I can't believe the birds and deer didn't get them.

Alddeus said...

Looks yummy!

Brenda said...

It was very yummy! And, it made it even yummier because we didn't have to buy the peaches, they were free. :)