Monday, August 5, 2013

And They're Off

Well, the kids are gone.
They moved into their apartment on Saturday.
They have a one year lease, so they will be there for at least that long.
It's been a long few weeks.
As you saw from my picture on Friday's post,
my house was a total wipe out!

Sadly, this is only Alexxa's stuff.
Do you wanna see what Austin brought.
Ya, well look below.
Not much.
He actually brought a little more than this,
but not much. 
It was quite the adventure loading everything.
Of course we aren't like normal families,
we have to load everything in trailers and
pile them high on a car.
Look how proud Todd is that he managed
to load everything.

Ghetto, white trash or other?
Actually, I think we looked more
like the Beverly Hillbillies...
minus the rocking chair.
We didn't head out of town until 2 PM.
I had a hair appointment,
so everybody met in Auburn.
Lexx and I had to get a Starbucks,
of course! 

We rolled in to town about 4 PM.

We unloaded everything and put as
much stuff away as we could.
The kids are still needing to buy things,
like food, an entertainment center, basics.

Can you see what is holding the tv?
Bar stools.
Do you see what is next to it?
A mini fridge with alcohol on top of it.
We unpacked, went shopping, went to dinner,
came back to the apartment and unpacked some more,
watched a movie and fell asleep around 11 PM.
Todd and I woke up early because we both had
to go to work the next day and we had a drive
ahead of us (not to mention all the chores waiting for us at home).
It was an exciting little adventure,
and I can't wait to see how the kids like
it living on their own.
I think they will come to some quick realizations,
like they are spoiled beyond belief.
So was your weekend as hectic as mine?

The proud occupants of an old college apartment.
(Can you tell we woke them up to say goodbye?
Can you say bedhead?)

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