Saturday, December 31, 2011

Don't Get Too Crazy

I wanted to wish you a very happy New Year. Be sure not to drink too much and get out of control, or you might end up taking pictures like these.

Play this video while you are looking at the pictures.

I know...ridiculous.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Hope this gets you in the New Year party mode.
And for those of you who drink a little too much and aren't able to drive, here is a link for you with information on how to get home without driving yourself.

Friday, December 30, 2011

New Years Decorating Ideas

Are you throwing a New Years party?  Just want to fancy up the house?
Take a looksie and see if this gets any of your creative juices flowing.










Maybe one of these days I might get inspired and throw a NYE get together, especially if I could make it look something like the above.

Cork crafts

I was looking for things to make with all of those left over wine/champagne corks from the holiday celebratory happenings.  Here are a few DIY craft ideas that
 I found.
Cork wreath via

 Cork board via

 Cork coasters via

 Cork monograms via

Cork mat via

So there you have it.  A few things to do with those leftover corks. 
Now you can repurpose them instead of throwing them away. 
See, guilt free drinking (Just be responsible when you do drink).

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Things to Accomplish in 2012

Christmas is over and it's time to start thinking about the new year. It sure seems like 2011 flew by in the blink of an eye. It got me thinking that I really didn't accomplish much this year, so I wanted to put down in writing some of my goals for 2012.

1. Finish painting hallway and ceiling in kitchen/living room.
2. Put blinds on the living room windows.
3. Save up and pay cash for living room furniture.
4. Build an entertainment center for the living room (with Todd's help of course).
5. Paint and reorganize Todd & Brenda's bedroom.
6. Pull up carpet in bedroom.
7. Organize the cupboards and closets.
8. Draft up plans for remodeling bathroom.
9. Read a book a month.
10. Get healthy (doesn't mean diet).
11. Eat more veggies - double Y - U - C - K!
12. Go for at least one walk a week.
13. Play on computer less and go outside more.
14. Take some kind of class (photography, cake making, sewing).
15. Take photographs good enough to frame and display in the house.
16. Plan at least 1 vacation, develop itinerary and budget, and track.
17. Buy a more professional wardrobe for work (boring but necessary).
18. Do some sort of car maintenance at least once a month.
19. Tell someone "I love you" every day (preferably family or friends).
20. Be thankful for something at least once a day.

I think it's a good idea to have a list that everyone can see. I believe it will make me try and stick to it a little more than just making a mental list. We'll see how many of these goals I accomplish at the end of next year. Here's crossing my fingers.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Land of The Living Dead

Remember how I said I wasn't feeling well on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day....welll.....take a look.

Yep, I infected the kiddos.  Lexx had to call in to work two days and thank goodness Austin didn't have work today.  Todd's the only one who hasn't been infected.

I guess next year I'll try and keep my germs to myself.

Christmas Day Recap

When I left off, Todd stayed up half the night wrapping gifts while I was sick in bed.  So morning rolled around and nobody wanted to get up.  Everyone actually crawled out of bed at about 10 AM.  I had a migraine, Todd was exhausted, and well, the kids don't normally get up until the afternoon anyway. 

When we did make our way to the living room we were welcomed by Todd and Santa's hard work.

Look at all the presents.  Geesh!

After, all the gifts were opened, Todd and the kids headed over to Dennis' house, and I stayed behind a slept some more.  I did end up making it over with everyone else around 3 PM.  I missed everyone opening presents, but I did get in on the yummy food.  Dennis and Anne had Honeybaked ham and turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, rolls, a veggie tray and tons of different dessert.

 Half of the family at the dinner table.

 The other half of the family.

The entire gang that was at Dennis' house.

After all was said and done, we were back home about 9:30 PM.  It ended up being a great day with family.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

Forgive my lack of posting yesterday, but our internet was acting up.  I thought that I would do a quick recap of the holiday weekend for those who are interested. 

Todd, Austin, Alexxa and I spent Christmas Eve at my parent's house.  They made a wonderful meal of prime rib (or maybe ribeye - I'm not sure, I don't eat red meat), mashed potato, green salad, asparagus, and deviled eggs.

Dad carving up the prime rib.

Closeup of the yummy meat.
Todd, Austin and Alexxa drooling over dinner.

Mom working hard in the kitchen.

We devoured the food and then proceeded to open presents. It was a wonderful evening, however, I was coming down with something, so I didn't take that many pictures. We ended up leaving by 8:30 so that we could get back home.

As soon as we got home, the kids slipped back to their rooms, I wen't to bed, and Todd started wrapping gifts. Poor guy was up until about 1 AM. He's my knight in shining armor!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Family Picture

I had to post this picture for all of those who celebrated Christmas at Denis' house. 
This one was the best one in the group.

Wishing Everyone A Merry Christmas

Image found via Pinterest

Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays

Here's wishing you and your family a day filled with special memories.  I will be busy eating myself into oblivion and enjoying great conversation.

Picture snagged from The Atlantic
go to the link below to see some awesome Christmas pictures from around the world.

Winter Solstice

I can't believe I missed posting about the winter solstice (in the northern hemisphere).  What is the winter solstice?  It marks the beginning of winter and the shortest day of the year.  Chicago got only 9.1 hours of daylight, L.A. and Atlanta got 9.9 hours (because they are closer to the equator), and everything north of the Arctic circle experienced 24 hours of darkness (

Now that the shortest day of the year has passed, we can look forward to more daylight.
I found these wings while surfing the net this weekend.  Wouldn't they look awesome on the back of kitchen chairs during the holidays.  I might have to get me some of these, of course I haven't looked to see how much they cost yet.  A girl can dream can't she?

Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Catchy Little Christmas Jingle

Please tell me you've heard the song Dominick The Italian Christmas Donkey.  What!  You haven't?  
Here, take a listen.  I guarantee you'll have this song stuck in your head for the rest of the day.

Just a little post scipt:  I think this is a shortened version.  If you want to listen to the entire song just go to Youtube and type in the title of the song.

No Way

I really gotta get me some of this sweater duct tape.  I'm not sure what I'd use it on, but whatever.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Looking To Make Some Baked Goods For Gifts?

I have a suggestion...homemade snickers bars.  I found the recipe via . 

Snickers Bars

14 oz milk chocolate (about 2 cups chips, or coarsely chopped bar) divided in half
3.5 oz (1/2 cup) butterscotch chips, divided in half
192 g (3/4 cup) creamy peanut butter, divided into 3 parts (1/4 cup, 64g each)
5.5 tablespoons butter (divided: 4 Tbsp and 1.5 Tbsp)
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup evaporated milk, divided in half
156 g (1.5 cups) marshmallow fluff
1 teaspoon vanilla
1.5 cups salted peanuts, chopped (or substitute nuts of your choice)
1 pound chewy caramels

Optional: (if coating the sides of your bars)
7oz milk chocolate
1.75 oz butterscotch chips
64g creamy peanut butter

one 9x13 pan
waxed paper or plastic wrap
microwave-safe bowl
small (1 quart) pot
heat-proof spatula
sharp knife
cutting board
via Instructables

via Dr. Princess

Since I was so nice and posted this recipe, if you make it, you must save me a piece.  I'm quality control.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Do You Still Believe In Santa?

The website allows you to upload pictures of your room and then add Santa into your picture.  Now there's proof that Santa does exist.  I KNEW IT!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Winter Song

While reading one of several blogs that I follow, I ran across this song by Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson called Winter Song. It's haunting and I love it.  Take a listen.

I might have to see Sara in concert.
Isn't it beautiful?
Have you run across any new songs that you love lately?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fast Christmas Project - Yay!

I think I found a project that I can finish. Wanna see? Here you go...
Of course I will replace the pumpkins with ornaments. So what do you think?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Craft

When Todd and I wen't shopping at the beginning of this month, I told him that I wanted to make a Christmas wreath. I had this in mind when I told him.

I was all gung-ho, buzzing around the store looking for items to put on my wreath. After about an hours worth of shopping I was over it. I think I may have craft/cooking ADD. Is there such a thing? I can't seem to focus for more than 5 minutes on a project or I get bored.

Maybe I can find something that doesn't take a long time to find the supplies and is under that 5 minute time frame.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Giving Money For Christmas?

Here are a couple cool folding techniques to pique your creativity.
I don't think I would want to spend the money if I received it looking like this.
I'm loving Mr. Abe btw.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Alternative Christmas Gift Wrap

I would totally be wrapping someones Christmas gift with this if I thought it would get here in time.

Isn't it cool!

In other news, we still can't find our Christmas decorations. We've looked everywhere and they are nowhere to be found. Such a bummer.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Holiday Heavy

All this delicious holiday food is sure getting the best of me. I have absolutely NO willpower.

Maybe I'll start my diet tomorrow. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lunch With The Ladies

All the gals that did the photo challenge got together and had brunch at Mimi's. It was fun gettin together. We all decided that we are going to do the same photo challenge, but in Spring (we are going to begin April 1). We thought it would be interesting to compare the pictures that we just took to ones taken in the Spring. We also decided that we aren't going to use old pictures (we have to use pictures that we are taking for the challenge).

It sounds like we are going to have a couple more people joining us. Alexxa is going to do it, and one of Amy's friends. I'm telling you, you should totally do it. It is so much fun. You don't need any experience or a fancy camera, you just need time, and usually willing participants.

Let me know if you want to join us.

*Wouldn't you know it - Photo challenge group didn't bring a camera to take pictures.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas Wish List

When I was a little kid, my parents used to allow me to run around town in my Wonder Woman underoos. I would put tinfoil on my wrists for her magic bracelets, and use a piece of rope for her magic lasso. I was a little obsessed, and yes a little odd (on a side note - before Wonder Woman, I would pretend like I was Ultraman - don't judge).

Knowing the above, you can imagine my excitement when I ran across this while doing some last minute online Christmas shopping. I couldn't believe my eyes...could it really be?

I thought I have to have one of these. Then reality hit, I came to my adult senses and decided, it wouldn't match anything and it wasn't something I really need. But man was it sure fun for a second thinking about whipping up some recipes using Wonder Woman's powers.

What super hero appliances are you wanting these days?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

"Houston, we have a problem...."

So as promised, I wanted to show you a picture of our tree. Seems like an easy enough task, right? Problem. We can't find our box with our Christmas ornaments, tree skirt, angel tree topper, etc..

We did buy a few things to put on the tree, but didn't go overboard because we are hopeful that we will find that oh so important box.

Until now, here is a picture with the lights off and the "few" new ornaments we have put up.

I'm hoping we can locate everything this weekend. If I do, I'll update the picture with a "finished" tree.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Off To Get A Tree We Go

I had an awesomely busy weekend. Saturday I did a little Christmas shopping and then that evening took my mom to Sergio's in Folsom. It has delicious Italian food, and we all stuffed our faces until we felt sick.

Sunday, Austin and Alexxa didn't have to work, so we wen't to go get our tree at North Star Tree Farm in Kelsey. I love visiting the farm because it always feels so warm and friendly. It's just one of those traditions that I look forward to every year.

*Some of the pictures are blurry because the battery was going dead in the camera.

So much fun!

PS - Pictures of the tree to come.