Sunday, November 13, 2011

Yourself With 13 Things - Day 13

This one was hard for me. I did it on a timer, and I must have taken 100 pictures or more, so that meant jumping up and down and running from behind the camera to in front of the camera. I was pooped by the end of this and just decided the heck with it. At least you got a picture with 13 things in could have been my camera smashed into 13 small little pieces.


Amy said...

I love it!! This project has definitely made me wish for a remote for my camera!!!

Jeni Harvey said...

This one is FABULOUS Brenda. Your diligence paid off! Yours and Amy's was MUCH more creative than mine.

Jeni Harvey said...

This one is FABULOUS Brenda. Your diligence paid off! Yours and Amy's was MUCH more creative than mine.