Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 3 and 4 of My Vacation

I haven't been great about updating my blog on vacation, but most of the time I had very limited internet access = snail pace internet.

When I left you with my vacation adventures, we had gone to watch a hockey game. The next day was a little more laid back. I woke up at 9:30 so that I could go and watch Ava at her swim lessons. Before we wen't inside, Ava told us, "I'm not going to cry today." Uh does she cry all the other days? Apparently, yes. Ava cried a little, but when I asked her why she was crying she said it was a fake cry, that she really didn't cry. Phew, it's a good thing because they may not have given her a ribbon if she had REALLy cried.

We then relaxed at home, wen't shopping a little, and then wen't out to dinner with my sister, her husband and Ava. We wen't to Manuels, because well, it's Ava's favorite and she wanted to take us there. The food was DE-LIC-IOUS! Good picking Ava.

I would show you a picture of Ava's dad, but he was making an inappropriate gesture.

The next day, Todd and I headed out and we were going to go to the Out of Africa wildlife park, and we wanted to take Ava. The weather was a little, shall we say, scary, but we arrived safely and took pictures at the front of the park.

That's as far as we made it in. They shut down the park right as we arrived due to rain and snow showers. BUMMER! I really wanted to take Ava.

So, like troopers, we headed to Sedona, and boy am I glad we did. Sedona is Ah-May-Zing! If you haven't been, you have to go. We hiked, ate, shopped, ate, slept, ate, went to a gallery, ate and then hiked a little more, and oh, ate.

I'm not sure what the deal is there, but they have a lot of Vortex thingys. I'm not quite sure what that is, but I think it goes hand in hand with the crystals and stuff like that. I'm not really into that, but if you are, more power to you.

Sedona had several art galleries, little shops, restaurants, just everything. You can take Pink Jeep tours, helicopter rides, rent ATV's, ride a train to the Grand Canyon, you name it, they have it.

We ended up staying in Sedona 2 nights, 3 days, and that wasn't nearly enough. We could easily have stayed another week, but we had other things that we wanted to see.

Up next, slot canyons, Lake Powell and Bryce Canyon.

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