Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Silhouette - Day 15

I had a REALLY long day yesterday. I left at 7:30 AM and got home at 7:30 PM, and then had to help Lexx register for Sierra. When all was said and done it was 11 PM. I really didn't have many options, and I started to panic because I couldn't think of how to do a silhoette. So this is what you get with no planning.

I know it's horrible. So, I looked through pictures that I had taken already and found this. I actually like this one so much better. It's fairly old, but still one of my faves.

Maybe I can figure something out for this photo challenge this weekend when I can actually take pictures with light and shadow and figure something out that is somewhat creative. Then again, maybe not.


Jeni Harvey said...

Brenda- Both are GREAT! I love the one outside on the hill. The use of negative space has got to be one of my favorite composition techniques. Nice work!

Amy said...

I've always loved that one too!! Hard to get a shot you love with the situation you are given. Darn work keeps getting in the way of ideal photography conditions!! :) He he!!