Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Oh Crapparooni

So the sister-in-law just called me to let me know that we have about four or five people doing this photo challenge thingy, so I guess there is no backing down or out now. I figure I'll post the self portrait and any others that I can get done this week. I wanted a portrait that represented me, not just a picture. I can't say it was easy, and it isn't the best picture, in fact it is a little out of focus, but I think it captures me. See what you think...
HAIR! So what do you think? Just to fyi you, I won't be able to blog next week...I'll fill you in on the details the following week.


Amy said...

Love it! Okay, this is getting more fun not that I can see the results!! :) Can't wait to see the rest of what people come up with!

Jeni Harvey said...

How creative Brenda! Totally in focus. Shallow depth of field so your face is in focus but the rest is not, I LOVE it!!

Brenda said...

Why thank you ladies. Can't wait to see the rest of yours. This is going to be a fun challenge :)

Anonymous said...

Great picture! THis is going to be a lot of fun!