Wednesday, July 16, 2014

We're Back and We're Melting

The family returned from vacation this last Saturday,
just in time for the horrible heat wave.
We came from 63 degree weather to 109 degrees.

We drove 2300 miles in 7 days,
so we were exhausted.
I had to take some time to recuperate,
and then I had to go back to work...

We did tons of activities on this vacation,
and I took 700 photos, so I thought I would
just share some of the highlights.
I'm definitely going to have to break it into
a couple different posts,
so you'll have to stick around to see what we did.

We all jumped in the car on July 3rd,
and headed to my parent's house after work.
We didn't pull in their driveway until 2 AM on the 4th,
so needless to say I didn't get any pictures
of our first day.

We did, however, manage to get a zillion pictures
of the other four days we were there.

So what did we do?
A little bit of this, a little bit of that,
you know.
Just take a look for yourself.

We walked around lots.
Down to the lake, around the property, you name it.

We spent the majority of our time at the lake relaxing.

Loki liked to go on boat rides.

My mom liked to observe.

Lexx liked to rescue Thor.

Todd liked to hang out.

I liked enjoying the scenery.
Todd could be found at the lake every morning
around 6:30 AM, and then after lunch.

My parents would quad down to the lake
occasionally and check up on us.
Aren't they cool?
My dad's 74 and my mom is almost 70. 
We did spend an afternoon stream fishing.
We didn't go to catch dinner
(thank goodness because we would have starved),
we did go to catch and release the fish.
Austin didn't have any luck and gave up after
about 30 minutes.  Lexx kept fishing but didn't catch anything.
Todd kept fishing and caught what he was telling
everyone was a foot long trout.
Can you say "fish tale" anyone?

While the gang fished,
Austin took a nap and I took pictures.
On the 4th of July,
we headed to our favorite restaurant in the area,
the Cowboy Dinner Tree.

It didn't disappoint.
The food was plentiful and large.

My mom and I managed to snap a picture together
after dinner.  I really like this picture of us.
We NEVER take good pictures together.
This is as good as it gets guys.
It seemed like our time at my parent's house flew by.
Before we knew it we were on the road and headed
higher up in to Oregon.


Dennis said...


Great job!! The pictures are great and I can't wait to see more!!

Brenda said...

Thanks Dennis :) They will be up on least some of them.