Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Vacation Days 7 & 8 (Our last Vacation Days)

So on our last day of vacation before we started the drive home,
we decided to visit the Ape Caves
which is in Mt. St. Helens National Monument in Cougar, WA.
Todd's brother, Robb, had visited and suggested we see it.
The Ape Cave is the longest lava tube in
the continental United States, and stretches
 over two miles in length.
Dog's aren't allowed in the caves,
and because we had Thor and Loki,
I got babysitting duty which was
fine with me since I'm not a huge fan of caves.
Todd, Austin and Alexxa all went,
so I'm not very familiar with what went on in the cave,
but I'm sure you can figure most of it out yourselves.

Entrance of the cave.

Using the lantern to light there way through the cave.

Austin and Lexx doing there super sexy poses.
Todd squeezing through a tight spot.

How do we get out of here? 
This little excursion took all day,
so the only other thing we did was eat and then
we headed back to the cottage.
We enjoyed our last evening in Mt Hood,
then woke up bright and early so we could
get on the road at a decent hour.

Bye Mt. Hood!
We'll see you again real soon.
Originally we had planned to go home through Medford, OR,
but at the last minute we changed plans and
 headed over to the Oregon Coast.
We were wanting to visit the ocean and
 enjoy 60 degree weather.
We drove for what seemed like forever,
but finally made it to the coast.
I found the bridges along the coast to be
kind of pretty.  They seemed a little art deco to me.
Because we drove all the way to the coast,
we of course had to get out and enjoy the beaches.
One thing about the Oregon Coast,
it's kind of rocky and can be steep in places.
So where did we chose to stop,
a steep rocky area!
Those dots in the middle of the picture are
Austin and Alexxa climbing down to the beach.

One thing we couldn't complain about were crowded beaches.
It was so cold that nobody was on the beach.
Score for us!


See, when I say no one,
I mean no one!

Loki had fun chasing the birds and going swimming,
but was ready to get back in the nice warm car.
We ended driving from 9 AM - 11 PM,
keeping in mind that we stopped to eat
and take breaks.  So we were truly on the road
for about 10ish hours.
We arrived in Eureka, CA at 11 PM
and found the cheapest hotel we could get and
crashed there for the evening.

We didn't get any pictures of our true last day
because all we did was drive home,
and honestly I slept most of the way.
We ended up getting home about 5 PM
and took the next two days to recuperate.
It was a great vacation with lots of activities
packed in to a short amount of time,
but it was so awesome being able to spend
time with my most favorite people in the world.
I just love my family -
even after being stuck in a car with
them for 16 hours in two days!

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