Friday, July 18, 2014

Vacation Days 4, 5 & 6

We ended up leaving my parents house on the 7th
and heading up through Oregon.
Our first stop was Crater Lake.

It's always so beautiful.
The blue water seems almost unreal.
After we toured Crater Lake
we headed up to Mt. Hood, where we would be staying.
Todd had originally booked us a rustic cabin.
The only amenity it had was a flush toilet,
but when we got there they told us that they
were having septic issues in our cabin,
and unfortunately we would have to stay in a cottage.
We were a little skeptical because all Todd and I
could think was, "How much extra is this going to cost us?"
With very few options, we took what they had to offer. 

Here is our cottage, equipped with full bathroom, kitchen,
cable tv, spa, bbq, deck and fully furnished.
Cost - same as the rustic cabin.
After suffering through the horrific conditions (cough, cough),
we woke up the next morning and
spent the day going to waterfalls in Oregon
near the Columbia Gorge.
There are several (I believe 90 total),
but we saw five.
I didn't take pictures of all of them,
but I did include pictures from my favorites in this post.
Bridal Veil was impressive, and was about 1/2 -1 mile hike.
You had to hike downhill to view the waterfall,
but it was pretty impressive once you got there.
My favorite part?
All the benches to rest and catch your breath
once you headed back up the hill. 
That was some great planning!

Another impressive waterfall was Multnomah Falls.
It was so tall, I had to practically stand in the
parking lot to get this picture.

The favorite of the trip was Oneontah Falls
(not my favorite, but everyone elses).
At Oneontah you have to hike through a creek bed,
over a large log jam, 

Can you see Todd at the top of the logs?

and then hike up to your chest through water to see the falls.
I made it through the creek bed, to the log jam,
and while climbing over a wet log, my foot slid out from
underneath me and I fell into a hole created by the logs.
I thought I broke my leg, but the only thing
broken was my pride.  It scared me bad enough that
I ended up stopping there, while the rest
of the family trudged through.
Don't feel sorry for me, because I had fun
watching everyone slip and fall all over the place.
After hiking around all day, we decided to
 call it a day and went home.
We jumped in the spa and relaxed, so that we could
be spry for the next day.
The next day was momma's day.
I wanted to go to Astoria, OR and site see.
We ended up having coffee and snacks at the pier,

Visiting the actual Goonie House
(you know the movie Goonies?  That house).

visiting the film museum (don't spend the money),
and climbing the Astoria Column.

This was not an easy task as it is 6 flights of stairs up,
and 6 down all on a spiral staircase.
It was worth all the suffering though
because you got a 360 degree view of Astoria and
all of the surrounding areas.

We wanted to see the Maritime Museum,
but because we didn't get to Astoria until pretty late,
we couldn't fit it in, so instead we went to a brewery.
The Wet Dog Café was awesome,
and totally dog friendly. 
We ate al fresco with our puppies in tow along the water.
It couldn't have been a more perfect end to that evening.
Next up...the rest of our vacation.

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