Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Beautiful Wedding

Todd and I had the pleasure of attending a
beautiful wedding at 
this past weekend.

Maddie was one of Todd's soccer girls
from the time she was about 10 - 14ish.
When we received her invitation, we 
couldn't believe that she was already old 
enough to get married and start a family.
Man time flies!

The wedding was last Saturday at 5 PM, 
and the weather could not have been better.

But enough talking, I'll let the pictures tell the story
(sorry in advance for crummy pictures, 
but I didn't want a flash interfering with the professionals,
so I took these crummy pictures with a phone camera).

This was how we were greeted!
Isn't it an adorable little sign.

I couldn't get too many pictures because
the professionals were snapping away,
but I wanted you to be able to see how the 
bride entered, and her color scheme.

The ceremony only lasted about 15 minutes.
It was beautiful and perfect.

This is the bride's sister, Jamela, and brother, Taggert.
Todd coached her as well, and she gave birth last week.
Can you believe it!
She was glowing.

The cake was beautifully decorated
with ribbon and flowers.

The centerpieces were birdcages with candles
inside, and ribbon and flowers around the outside.

You had a choice of chicken or beef kabobs,
fruit salad, Caesar salad, rice salad and squash.
It was all delicious.
I didn't get a picture of the dessert,
but let's just say that that was my favorite part! 

You were free to roam the gardens,
so Todd and I headed to the pond and hung out.
The color of the pond is true.
I believe they color it somehow,
but I'm not sure how.

This is where the dining area was.
When the ceremony was over,
the moved out the tables and decorated them 
where the rows of chairs for the ceremony used to be.

And this picture is from Maddie's photographer,
She did a beautiful job.
You need to check out her work!

It has been so long since I attended a wedding,
I forgot how much I enjoy them.
There's nothing like a nice wedding
to remind you about the meaning of love.

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