Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Painting the Hallway, Again!

So I painted the hallway about a year ago.
It was an off white color, and it was looking grimy,
so I decided to paint it a dark color hoping
dirt wouldn't be so noticeable.
I chose an olive color because it complemented
the mocha color that is in our kitchen.

Kitchen (mocha) color on the left,
 hallway (olive) color on right.
I loved the color -
But the longer I lived with it,
the more I started to dislike it.
It made the already dark hallway
darker and gloomier.
Let me just say here that I can be a little indecisive.
Or maybe I'm too decisive and don't
think through things completely.
No, I think I'm indecisive.
So the more I thought about the hallway,
the more I realized I needed to repaint
it a lighter color.
See - dark hallway even with the light on.
And yes, we do have a boob light on our ceiling.
Don't judge!
So I picked out a lighter color to paint the hallway.
But first I had to TSP it (clean it).
I did that last weekend, so this weekend
I was able to paint a first coat.

Now it may look white in this picture,
but it is a tan color in real life.
So basically, it's almost the exact same
color that I had started off with.

This shows you all three colors together.
I haven't finished painting the hallway
because there was too much moisture in
the air this weekend, and the paint
 didn't want to dry.
I plan on finishing up the paint job in the next
couple of weekends, and I'll post pictures
of the finished hallway at that time.
So have you done any projects lately
that you can't stand and need to fix?
Please don't tell me I'm the only one.


Alddeus said...

Yaaaay paint!

Brenda said...

Don't get too excited. I'm going to have you help me when you are at home.