Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter With the Kids

Sorry for the late post,
but I'm having technical difficulty.
If you can believe it, it's not the computer this time.
Our camera is acting up and I'm having
difficulty loading pictures from the phone's camera.
Granted, I'm no technical genius,
so I'm sure some of the problem can be
attributed to user error.
All the pictures off our nice camera
look to have been erased.
We're not sure if the camera shorted out,
or if there is a malfunction with the
computer within the camera -
but whatever the case may be,
they're all gone.
So my friends,
you get to see the only remaining terrible
pictures from Easter and our trip to the coast.
I had Friday off, so I spent 7 hours
cooking and prepping the food
because we were celebrating at the
kids apartment on Saturday, and I knew there wouldn't
be enough time or room if I were to cook
Easter dinner there.
Todd and I made deviled eggs, ham, mashed potatoes,
green beans, salad and homemade strawberry jam
for the celebration.
For desert we had angel food cake with
strawberries, bananas and whipped cream.
The food seemed to be a hit, because there
was not much left.

Todd prepared the ham.
We had to reheat the potatoes in the oven,
so they look a little yucky here,
but rest assure they tasted fine.
I didn't get many pictures of the meal
but there was lots of food,
trust me.
After we ate dinner, we did what we do best,
goof around.
A group selfie picture.
My entire purpose in life is to embarrass my children.

Austin enjoyed dessert.
There was not a lot of activity going on.
We mostly sat around and visited with
each other and watched tv.
It was so nice to hang out with
the kids and hear what they have been up to.
Todd and I couldn't be happier being able
to spend time with our kiddos.
They are awesome and
did a great job
hosting Easter.

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