Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Fern Canyon & Eureka

this is my second time writing this blog.
I had the entire thing typed out last night,
hit the backspace button, accidentally deleted everything,
and then blogger automatically saved.
I was so ticked - I slammed the computer
shut and went to bed!

So, I'm giving it another shot today.
Let's hope it goes a little better.

When I left off last week,
we had arrived at our hotel, had a wonderful
dinner and went to bed.

The next day we decided to get some outside
time.  We ended up visiting Fern Canyon.
It was an hours drive from where
we were staying.

I was a little scared about the hike
because I wasn't sure what to expect.
I was totally relieved when we arrived
and saw this sign.

The hike to the canyon was incredibly easy.
It was totally flat and not far
from the parking lot.

Once we arrived to the opening of the canyon,
we had two options:
1)  Climb over fallen trees/branches to get
where you needed to go.
2)  Walk through the creek and take a direct path.
Todd chose the first option, I chose the second
(thank god for Teva's!).
The hike in was less than a mile.
It was cool and peaceful and a beautiful day.

The ferns grew up the sides of the
canyon on either side.
And there was water trickling down the walls
of the canyon in some spots.

The hike ended rather abruptly at the end
of the canyon.  Several trees had fallen
and partially blocked the path.
Of course this didn't stop Todd from exploring,
but I waited for him while he hiked up and
around the corner.

After we reached the end of the canyon
we decided to hike around a little more.
There was supposed to be a waterfall,
so we set out try and find it.
We were unsuccessful, but later found out
that we were within .1 miles of it.

After we were finished at Fern Canyon,
we decided to head to the ocean.

We ended up at Wedding Rock in Patrick's Point.

It was a quick little visit but we had a good time.

It also started to get a little overcast so we decided
to call it a day and went to get some food.
Todd and I were watching Diners, Drive Ins and Dives,
and saw a little place named Brick and Fire.
So while in Eureka we decided to give it a try.

It was located in a residential area,
and it didn't look like much from the outside.

The inside was tiny,
but the inside had great character.
And the menu had some interesting options.

Todd and I chose the wild mushroom cobbler
as an appetizer.
Why you ask?
Because that is what Guy Fieri had featured.

It was fantastic!
For dinner, Todd ordered a Caesar Salad with fried egg.
I ordered gourmet mac-n-cheese.

The food was very good,
and we were so stuffed that we took
our desert with us back to the hotel.
It was such a great day.
We did a little bit of exercise,
and a lot of eating.
We were coming to the end of our minication ,
but we weren't quite finished and ready to go home.
We had one more thing we wanted to do -
and knowing us, you know it had to have
something to do with food.

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