Thursday, December 5, 2013

Celebrate Good Times, C'mon

We did a lot of celebrating last month.
My mom and Todd's dad both have birthdays in November.
We celebrated Dennis' birthday first.
Everyone gathered at his house, and ate too much.
Of course I didn't get pictures of the food because -
well I'm a bad blogger.
I did manage to get a couple of other pictures, however.

Dennis, the birthday boy.
We had cake, and Dennis blew out his candles.

And it got really, really, really smokey.
When the smoke cleared, we took a couple of other pics.

Awww, so cute.

And of course, what would be a family get together
without a picture being photo bombed.
I don't have many other pictures, and
I really needed one of my mother-in-law, Anne.
She is the one who cooked the meal,
and it was DELISH!
Because I'm not a good cook like my
mother-in-law, I decided to play it safe
and invite my own mother to lunch.
We went to the Auburn Alehouse Brewery.
Cheryl, the birthday girl.
We talked and ate.
And because everybody loves a
picture of them eating posted for anyone in
the world to see, here you go.
She ordered a yummy sandwich.
Lunch was pretty good.  It didn't seem
like much food, but everyone seemed
satisfied enough with the meal.
It was a fun couple of birthday celebrations.
I love getting together with family,
and eating way too much.
What about you?
Have you been to any celebrations lately?
Do you always eat way too much as well?

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