Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Necklaces for New Years

Those of you who know me, know that I like BIG jewelry.
So when I found Shoplately I was instantly in love.
I ordered two large necklaces.
I want to wear one of them for New Years,
but I'm having trouble deciding which one to wear.
Take a look and see which one you think I'll choose.

Sorry for the boob shot, but I had to get close to show you.
This one is gold and has clear crystals.

The second necklace is much larger and has yellow stones.

So which one did I pick?
Guess you'll have to read my upcoming blogs to find out.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Lovin' the Holidays

I hope you had a fantastic Christmas.
I couldn't believe it was sunny and 70 degrees.
It felt like a beautiful spring day
instead of the middle of winter.
The food was fantastic and the company was great.
My family actually got to celebrate
Christmas Eve with my parents,
and Christmas Day with Todd's family.
I couldn't have asked for a more perfect holiday.

Family, they may be crazy, but you still gotta love them.
Here's hoping that you had a wonderful Christmas.
have a fantastic, stupendous, excellent weekend.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

Smiles, love and blessings to you and your family.
Here's hoping you are surrounded by those you love.
Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


May you have a blessed Christmas.


Monday, December 23, 2013

Unique Christmas Trees

Are you a procrastinator like me?
Do you wait until the last minute to go buy your Christmas tree
only to find that the lot sold out?
No worries.
Here are some ideas that you can use to improvise.
Keep in mind,
I'm not saying they're good alternatives, but they are options.


 String some lights on your step ladder, 
put a couple ornaments on the strings, and
Voila, instant tree.

Have some recycling that you haven't turned in yet?
Perfect, make a tree out of it.
(Kind of reminds me of college, and all the beer
bottles/cans we used to stack up).

We could have actually done this in our house
when the kids were younger.
Lexx had so many stuffed animals, 
there was almost a constant pile like this anyways.

If you save up your egg cartons throughout the year,
and have a painting party, you could have 
this little beauty in YOUR house.

And last but not least, the book tree.
Although, I'm not so sure the setup is fire safe.
Light bulbs and paper probably aren't a great combination.

So I hope this got some creative juices flowing for you.
It just goes to show with little time and llittle money,
you can always come up with tacky alternatives.

Friday, December 20, 2013

The Countdown Begins

Are you getting excited for Christmas?
Can you believe there are only 5 more days to go?
Say whatee what!
I'm not really stressed because I have
all my shopping done with the exception
of  three things.
I'm going to take this weekend to wrap gifts,
get my hair trimmed, rotate my tires, and try
to get caught up on chores.
Do you have any big plans for this weekend?

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Super Talented

Todd was looking at kinetic sculptures
on the Internet the other day.
He decided that he liked them
and told me, " I'm going to make one"...
so he did!
He made an entire sculpture from scratch, not a kit.
He cut each piece in his workshop and spent
about two weeks assembling the sculpture.
Here he has the cut out pieces that he is assembling
to a board so that he can see if the sculpture
actually moves.

More pieces to the puzzle.

The assembled sculpture.

A different vantage point.
Believe me when I say that
the sculpture is really cool.
I can't believe I'm married to somebody
who is so utterly talented.
I guess someone has to be,
and it sure isn't me.
Watch this to see the sculpture move.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Winter Wonderland It's Not

We got some snow the other day.
Not a lot, just a little.
Enough to make everything cold and icy.
Looking out from our house,
this was the view.

I was happy to get some snow,
but I wish it was a little more.
Did you get any snow?
If so, how much?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas Tree, Lights and a Parade

The Big Guy and I got our Christmas tree this weekend.
It was a beautiful sunny day,
and we had a fantastic time.

We had a couple little helpers.
Thor and Loki always accompany us.
They get super excited as soon as we pull out of the driveway.

Thor told me he wanted to get dressed up,
so this year he wore his leather jacket and Loki
wore her little "I love Santa" dress.
While Todd went back up to the car
because dingbat here left the paperwork,
I tried to occupy myself by taking a selfie
of me with the dogs.  This is as good as it got.
They sure move around a lot!
It usually takes us about 45 minutes - 1 hour to find a tree.
This year, about 5 minutes. 

Bing, bang, boom!
We tried to take a picture at the tree farm
with the beautiful mountains
in the background, but it just didn't happen.
I just wanted to post this picture because
I have a handsome man!
We finished our errand so quickly,
we decided to go out to pizza.
My parents met us, and after dinner we decided to
go back to their house and rest until the light parade started.
While we were at the pizza parlor some firemen
told us that the parade started at 6 PM.
So we had plenty of time to relax and watch some tv.
We left my parents at 5:30 PM
Right as we arrived back in town, we saw the last float drive by.
There she goes, the very last float with Santa on it.
We were given the wrong information and only got to
semi enjoy the very end of the parade.
Boo for misinformation.
Because we missed everything,
we decided to walk around town and see
if anything was going on.

We did manage to see one other parade entry,
the "Corner Kitchen" van.
Here is the town Christmas tree.
It's pretty large, and apparently only half  lit.
We took a selfie because this was about as close as
we ended up getting to lights this evening
(see they're behind us).
After we decided we had seen enough and started to head home,
this pulled in front of us.
And with that, we had our own little light parade.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Hallelujah It's the Weekend

Sorry for the lack of posts this week
but I've been battling a migraine all week,
and I worked late three out of the five days
(got home at 9 PM on Thursday).
As you can imagine, I am SOOOOOOOOO
looking forward to this weekend.
I think Todd and I are going to go get our
Christmas Tree and watch the Parade of Lights on Saturday. 
 It should be fun, assuming it's not 20 degrees out.
Sunday I'm reserving for rest and relaxation.
I've got my Christmas shopping done -
and I'm not planning on leaving the house!
Hopefully you had a better week than me,
and here's hoping you have a
wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Decorations

Have you finished all your Christmas Decorating?
I haven't.
Not even close.
I had the long weekend (4 days off),
and I decorated exactly half of our mantel.
Now that I think about it,
I should actually finish decorating, instead of
messing around on the computer.
BUT...because I am a slacker,
I'm not decorating, I am playing around.
So, here are some decorations I found on the internet
that I liked and wished I was motivated
enough to make.
I liked that they made a tree instead
of a wreath with extra ornaments.

How easy would this be to make.
Piece of wood & two different paint colors.
If your looking for a project that's a little more challenging to make,
this "Merry & Bright" sign might be fun.

The last decoration I thought was cute
was this 3D frame filled with bells.
Or, if you don't like the bells, you could
add paper snowflakes, confetti, cotton balls,
anything your heart desires really.
You could either paint the glass,
or use vinyl decals.
Have you decorated your house yet?
Did you flex your DIY mind muscles,
and come up with any awesome projects?
Do share.

Friday, December 6, 2013

It's a White Weekend

It's snowing.
Not hard, yet.
It's supposed to really start storming
later tonight and into tomorrow.
I have to say I'm a little excited for this weekend.
Not only do we get snow, but I'm going to
a Christmas craft fair and a light parade
(if they don't cancel it due to the weather).
Then on Sunday,
a warm fire, cocoa and a book.
Doesn't that sound like heaven?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Celebrate Good Times, C'mon

We did a lot of celebrating last month.
My mom and Todd's dad both have birthdays in November.
We celebrated Dennis' birthday first.
Everyone gathered at his house, and ate too much.
Of course I didn't get pictures of the food because -
well I'm a bad blogger.
I did manage to get a couple of other pictures, however.

Dennis, the birthday boy.
We had cake, and Dennis blew out his candles.

And it got really, really, really smokey.
When the smoke cleared, we took a couple of other pics.

Awww, so cute.

And of course, what would be a family get together
without a picture being photo bombed.
I don't have many other pictures, and
I really needed one of my mother-in-law, Anne.
She is the one who cooked the meal,
and it was DELISH!
Because I'm not a good cook like my
mother-in-law, I decided to play it safe
and invite my own mother to lunch.
We went to the Auburn Alehouse Brewery.
Cheryl, the birthday girl.
We talked and ate.
And because everybody loves a
picture of them eating posted for anyone in
the world to see, here you go.
She ordered a yummy sandwich.
Lunch was pretty good.  It didn't seem
like much food, but everyone seemed
satisfied enough with the meal.
It was a fun couple of birthday celebrations.
I love getting together with family,
and eating way too much.
What about you?
Have you been to any celebrations lately?
Do you always eat way too much as well?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Yo Dog - What's Up?

Todd and I had a little shopping to
do in town this weekend.
While driving to one of the stores
we needed to visit, I saw this
driving down the road.

Now that's not something you see every day.
I have to say he looked mighty dapper
in his cool shades.
Have you seen anything unusual while out shopping?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Little Drummer Boy

I thought I would kick off December
by combining two things I love...
a cappella and Christmas.
This group really is amazing, you have to listen.

What are you doing to get yourself in the holiday spirit?