Monday, July 29, 2013

Berry Picking

So my back cooperated with me on Sunday
and I actually got to get up and get productive
( a little bit).

There were three things I wanted to accomplish
1.  Laundry 
2.  Vacuum car
3.  Pick blackberries

I did all three - Yeah me!

Todd and I had an interesting time picking the
berries while the kids were at work.
I would point to where berries would need to 
be picked, and he would say, they're shriveled up
or too small.
I suggested he get some plywood or a board
to put down so we could stand on it,
and this is what he came out with.
A ladder.

Sorry about the sideways pic, but I turned it in the 
photography program and Blogger doesn't recognize it.

I had high hopes and
I thought that we would get a small bucket full,
but sadly, we got about 1/4 of a bucket of blackberries.
We did, however, get about 1/3 - 1/2 of a bucket of wild plum
(and they are super yummy!)

It's pretty cool that they grow wild on our property.
It's a neat little perk, don't you think.

This took about 15 minutes to pick.
I could have had a full bucket,
but my hip/back started to hurt so I called it quits.

Our bounty.

It's a pretty messy job and Todd took the brunt of it.
But let me tell you, it was worth the work
when we ate those fresh picked blackberries
on top of our vanilla ice cream,
and had plums to snack on.

Life doesn't get any better.

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