Monday, July 15, 2013

A Day on the Lake

While we were in Oregon,
we did a ton of relaxing and playing on the lake.
It was the perfect temperature the entire time
 and we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Jarod, Ava, my sister and Todd.
Todd was the motor for the raft.

Ava spent lots of time fishing.

She even caught a couple catfish.
My mom enjoyed the sun and watching the grand kids.

I did quad runs to get food and drinks.

Ava and her mom attempted riding the sea horse,

but unfortunately they only made it about a foot off shore,

before it bucked them off!

Papa consoled Ava and tried to make her feel better
after getting bucked,
it seemed to do the trick because shortly thereafter
she was back playing in the water.

Riley didn't swim much,
in fact, he slept most of the time we were in Oregon.
The kid is growing like a weed and can't get
enough food or sleep.
You couldn't ask for a more relaxing vacation.
Todd and I thoroughly enjoyed visiting
with the family and the R&R.

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