Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Technical Difficulties - AGAIN!

Sorry about the no post yesterday, 
but my Internet wouldn't cooperate and I couldn't log on.
I would never leave you guys hanging 
like that without a good reason.

Anyways...the fam and I got some more soccer fix,
and cleared some time on Saturday to watch my little 
nephew's soccer game.

It was a hoot!
Take a look for yourself.

Go get it!

Ouch, that kinda hurt.

Oh, hi guys.
(You'll notice his coach is coaching in the background,
so yes he was fraternizing with the crowd during the game).

On the move.

The nephew did a little cheer for us all to see.
Isn't that too cute!

Gosh I miss soccer.
Anyone have a kid that plays soccer that Todd and I can adopt their team?

Monday, October 29, 2012


They're what's for dinner.

I made pumpkin pancakes for dinner last night 
and they were delicious.
I had never had them before,
but my sister made them for us when we visited last year.
(Think pumpkin pie taste.  
I LURVE pumpkin pie!
Actually I love most pies:  
blackberry, strawberry, peach, blueberry -
you get the idea).

When I asked the sis how she made these,
she pulled out this little beauty below.
When I got home from vacation last year,
 I searched and searched
and couldn't find the mix.
So when my parents visited her this month,
little sis sent this to me through them.
Can I just say
I love my sister right now.

Apparently it is seasonal.
Also, apparently, you can purchase it at Costco.
I, however, do not belong to Costco,
so that is probably the main reason I couldn't locate the mix.

The mix does say "quick bread"
but I haven't made the bread,
just the cookies and pancakes.
I wasn't super keen on the cookies - I found them really sweet.
Pancakes, however, superb.
Do keep in mind that they are sweet,
 so I'm not sure you will want to put syrup on them.
I prefer them with a tiny bit of butter and whip cream.

Do you have any awesome pumpkin food recipes to share with me?
Do tell.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Hidee Ho - It's Friday, Yo

I'm a dork...
I know.

Anywho, I'm really looking forward to a nice peaceful weekend.
Todd and I have been go, go, go for the past month,
and next weekend is going to be extremely busy.

I think I will clean the house, maybe the car
and watch some old crummy movies.
Hope you have a great weekend.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

It's About Stinkin' Time

I took these on my drive home the other day.

What are those smears in the picture you ask?  
My dirty windshield.

I also took this while driving (more than 30 mph)
Very dangerous.
I don't suggest doing this anyone reading this.
You could cause accidents.
And people are worried about cell phones,
what about dumb people like me with cameras!

Isn't that superdeeduper?
I love where I live.

Can I get a big 
for the awesome fall weather.
Maybe if we give it big mad props it will stick around for a while.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's Been a While

I think it's time for a little
Cuteness Explosion!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Zombies Attack - Continued

Although it was called a Zombie Mud Run,
there were actually several obstacles on the course.
While Todd and I couldn't see all of them,
one was fairly close to the finish line.
So what are a couple of parents to do when their kids are running,
go cheer them on of course.
This obstacle was actually 4 walls of differing heights.
The first was probably 6' tall, the second about 4',
the third 5', and the last about 3'.
I don't know about you, but after running over a mile,
this seems like it would be a little tiring.
No problem for my kids,
they flew right over them.
In fact, the only thing that slowed them
down were other people, and the fact that
zombies were waiting at the end of the obstacle.
Austin jumping over the last wall.

Those zombies weren't getting Austin's lives (flags).

The 6' tall wall didn't pose a problem for my short little princess.
The guys behind her were amazed at how easy she got over the wall.
Or maybe, they might be staring at her butt.

Lexx zig zagged her way through all the zombies.

Like I said, Todd and I couldn't get to all the obstacles.
We did happen to also get the kids pictures at the finish line.
Lexx is in this picture.
That's her head poking out of the hillarious guys shoulder.
This picture cracks me up!

5k and 7 obstacles and problem.

A little dirty, but none the worse for wear.

Austin had so much energy at the end,
he did Gangham style coming over the finish line.
Only Austin!

Way to go Austin!

Everyone received a shirt and a beer (if you were over 21).

Austin took full advantage of that.
I think that's mainly why he ran the race.

I tried to get a picture that showed how popular the event was,
but I couldn't get a good angle.
There were probably over 1,000 people that participated in all the heats.
It was great fun, especially right before Halloween.
The kids are already talking about doing it next year,
but they're not sure if they want to run it or be zombies!
So what do you think?
Would you participate in this, or have you done anything similar?

Monday, October 22, 2012

Zombies Attack!

This weekend the kiddos ran the 5k

We arrived at Gibson Ranch bright and early
...around 8 AM.

Eveything started off innocent enough,
 everyone is happy and carefree.

But wait, what's that? 
 Is that a herd of zombies?

Yep, better beware.

What the heck...zombies and creepy clowns.
A person's worst nightmare.

You definitely didn't want to hurt yourself during the run,
you'd have had a zombie nurse tending to you.

Looks like the CDC was there.
You would think they would try and get things under control.

Uh oh!  What happened to Lexx.
We leave her alone for 5 minutes and she comes back like this.

Austin, watch out behind you.

RUN Austin!

Oh no!!!!

News 10 was even covering the Zombie apocolypse.

The 10 o'clock heat of the run.

The start of the race.
You just hope that you see the finish with
all the zombies chasing after you.

Zombie better watch out and run - FAST!.

Wow that was a close one for this guy.

More pictures to come tomorrow.
I couldn't let you in on all the fun in one day.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Frightful Weekend

The fam and I have something "creepy" planned this weekend.
I'm not involved per se, but Aust and Lexx are.
The hubs and I are going to lend moral support to them.
Hopefully I'll be back on Monday with pictures to share...
that is...if I survive the weekend.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mammoth Lakes - Part Tres

Day three was pretty uneventful, 
if you ignore the fact that we drove all the way home.

We managed to eat breakfast, take some pictures,
 gas up and stop at a pharmacy before heading out.

Had to take a picture in front of the massive fireplace.

Todd and I spotted this map of the ski lifts.
We didn't realize there were lifts on all sides of the mountain.
The place is massive!
I would imagine it is a skiers dream...
unfortunately, I don't ski.

Todd spotted this poster at a rest stop
and thought it was hilarious.
I think that watching The Walking Dead
may have done something to his brain.

I thought that these yellow trees were soooooo beautiful.
The way the sunlight hit them, it looked like they were glowing.
I couldn't take a picture that recreated the effect.
I especially couldn't take it going 70 mph!
Aren't the different colors blended together just beautiful.

Oh, pretty!

We decided to stop for lunch right outside of Tahoe.
Where 88 hits Hwy 50
there is a little Mexican food restaurant that
I had been wanting to try for a little while.
They really did have yummy fish tacos...


That was the last thing that we did before we made it home.
It was such a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
Sure made it hard to go back to work.
Do you ever wish your vacation lasted,
oh say, like 1, 2 maybe 3 weeks longer?