Monday, April 30, 2012

Self Portrait - Day 30

Brenda's picture
Took this with Alexxa's point-and-shoot camera.  Not a great pic, so I tried with my camera...

Not any better!

Doesn't it look like I'm going to bite your head off?

These are my least favorite to take because I have to put the camera on a timer, and then run in front of it. The pictures never turn out well. I've learned through this challenge - just deal with it. If I tried to make it a decent picture, I would be outside taking pictures all day long.

Anyways, thus concludes our photo challenge
.  I hope you will join us in futue challenges.
We always have fun!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Black And White - Day 29

Brenda's portrait

A black and white photo of Todd's truck
he is going to eventually restore.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Flowers - Day 28

Brenda's picture

I know I already used a picture from the tulip tree, but I really liked this photo.  
I don't know if it's the angle, the color, or because the flower was opened,
 but I think this is the best pic I've taken during this photo challenge.

What's your favorite so far?

Friday, April 27, 2012

From A Distance - Day 27

Brenda's picture

I didn't have much time to take pictures today, so this is what you get on the fly.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Looksy What Was On My Door

This little guy was hanging out on the front door
 this morning before I went to work.  
Looks like this little tree frog was trying to escape the crazy weather.

If I liked little critters, I might actually think he was bad I don't like little critters.

Something Pink - Day 25

Brenda's picture

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Take A Look At Austin's Voice Over Video

Austin is friends with a guy who does Star Wars fan films. 
This is the latest one that his friend did using Austin's voice. 
It's pretty awesome.

Be sure and like it on Youtube and show them some love!

Animal - Day 24

Brenda's picture

Brenda's picture

Here are a couple color pictures of our new little kitties.  Aren't they little dolls?

Here is my picture, darn mom keeps taking pictures of what I want to take picture of. Oh well!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Yourself With 13 Things - Day 13

Lexxa's picture

Sunflare - Day 23

Brenda's picture

It's not the best picture of sunflare, but it does have some towards the bottom of the photo.
Good enough.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Faceless Self Portrait - Day 21

Brenda's picture
Lexxa's picture

Bokeh - Day 20

Sorry I didn't post last night...blogger was being D-U-M-B!

You know I would have posted if I could have because
I love bokeh.
Not sure what bokeh is, well, Wikipedia defines it as
 "the blur, or the aesthetic quality of the blur, in out-of-focus areas of an image (source)."

 I decided to post the following picture(s) because they were easy to take,
 and I had very little time to "get 'er done".

Brenda's picture
I like the colors in the picture above...

Brenda's picture
but I think this is a better example of bokeh.
I want to take a portrait of a person and use the bokeh technique. 
The only problem - finding a willing subject.

We'll see if it happens.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Color Me RAD

I found this 5k run on the net.
I need someone to get me motivated to do looks like
Well, as fun as running can be.

If you are interested, there will be a run in Sacramento in April 2013. 
That's totally enough time to condition (if I start right now).

What do you think?
You in?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Minication - Day 2

On the second day of our minication we had planned to go to Petaluma and check out the town.
We got up pretty early and headed in to town.
When we arrived, we noticed that several of the stores were dark.

Not really paying too much attention, we parked our car and started walking.
Come to find out, about 90% of the stores were closed on Monday.
We did manage to visit a few amazing antique stores, but I didn't get any pictures.

Because that was a bust, after about an hour or two we headed back to Santa Rosa.
I didn't have anything planned really, but I did see the Schulz Museum advertised.
It was only about four blocks from where we were staying.

 It took Todd and I about an hour to find it, but it was well worth the search.

Schultz Museum

There were many art pieces that were pretty amazing.
This picture was huge and very colorful. 
The picture doesn't do it justice.

As you walked in the foyer, this was directly in front of you.
It was humungous, and looked like a black and white picture, but when you looked a little closer...

you saw that the display was made entirely of Peanut comic strips tiles.

Along with the museum artwork and displays, they also have/had an education component.

Window looking in to the classroom.

Artwork that had been done by people visiting the classroom this month.

The outside courtyard also held some little surprises.

Charlie Brown - Under Construction

Here is crossword Linus.  

He has a crossword on the front and the answers on his back.
They handed you a crossword paper when you first walked in so that you could take it with you.

Lucy's Baseball Cap.

Underneath Lucy's baseball cap was Woodstock's birdbath.

Woodstock's birdbath had holograms that appeared when you walked around it.

I only included my favorite exhibits in this post.  There was definitely more to see.

The museum is very nice and kid friendly, 
and I would highly recommend visiting if you are in the area.
It is definitely worth the $10 admission.

After the museum we went to dinner and then decided to call it a night.
What party animals we are.

Something Orange - Day 19

While they look fairly yellow in my picture, the California poppy actually is a lot more orange.  
I love this picture because I feel like you can tell how delicate the flowers are by just looking at the picture.

Brenda's picture
Sorry I took a picture that is flowers just like my mom's, I definitely didn't mean to haha.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Our Fun Minication - Day 1

The hubs and I took a minication this last weekend.  
That's why I'm a little behind on the photo challenge.

We stayed in Santa Rosa because it was a hub
for all the things that we wanted to do.
The first day we headed off to Bodega Bay.
Todd and I haven't been there in about 8 years,
 but it still looks the same.
That's one thing you can count on in Bodega, nothing changes.


We ate breakfast at a little place called Village Bakery.  
OMG - they had the best breakfast sandwich.
They used homemade buttermilk biscuits for the bread.
It was seriously the best biscuit I have ever had...
and I have had many!

After breakfast we made a B line for the ocean.

Beach shot at Bodega Bay.

Another beach shot.

Whale watching.  There were actually two, a momma and a baby.  
I got so excited, all I got was a picture of the whale boats. 
I promise the whales were there.

Todd and I stopped at the Tides Restaurant for lunch.  
To our astonishment, they had remodeled the entire inside, and it looks quite nice inside now.
I didn't get pictures of lunch because I was to busy eating,
but trust me, the food was good.

After lunch we started heading back up the coast and made a couple of stops along the way.

Enjoying the sand between our toes.

Enjoying the beautiful windy day.

It looks pretty, but take a look at the next picture.

Todd looking over the edge.

Part of a house falling off the cliff.

Beautiful house falling apart.

Do I spy a house foundation at the bottom of the cliff?  
Why yes I sad.

There were about 5 beautiful homes that were sliding, or had slid.
I guess the lesson here is - don't build too close to the ocean.
Wind, water and sand make for disastrous results.

After we nosed around the houses, we drove a little more and took a few more pictures.

Look at this handsome man.

Todd took my picture, but the wind was so bad
that I had my eyes closed 
and it looked like I had been electrocuted with my
 hair flying everywhere.
I'll spare you the torture of looking at the pic.

Guerneville (Russian River)
We drove home through Guerneville on our way  back to the hotel.  
The little town looks like it would be a fun place
 to hang out during the summer. 
 You have the Russian River right there, 
and quite a few cute little shops in town.

So concluded our first day of our minication. 
It was very relaxing and just a beautiful 70 degree sunny day.
Can't ask for too much more than that.

Shoes - Day 18

Well, this picture isn't of my shoe(s), but it is a picture of a very well loved shoe.  
It belongs to Ms. Sindy.

Brenda's picture
Lexxa's Picture