Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's Getting Close To That Time Again

April is nearing, and it's almost time to start our Spring Photography Challenge. 
We are doing the same list of photo prompts as last Fall. 
We would love for you to join us. 
Look at life with a photographer's eye.
You know you want to, besides what else do you have to do? 
That's no excuse. 

We will start the first day of April, and do a prompt every day after that. 
There are no rules, it's just for fun, and really, it's mostly about challenging yourself. 

If you want to join us just let me know. 
We can either link to your blog, you could post on Facebook, or I could post it on here for you, just let me know.


Ramber2011 said...

I'm going to do it! I cant wait..

Brenda said...

Awesome! I can't wait to start. I'm so glad you are going to do this with us. Where are you going to post? If you need, you can post on my blog.