Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Happy Little Birthday

The fam and I headed over to my father-in-law's house to celebrate Todd's brother's girlfriend's birthday (did you get that?).  The birthday girl's name is Amber and she is awesome.  It was such a nice party with great food, as always (Thanks Anne and Dennis). 

I was too busy eating to get pictures of the food, but I did manage to get a picture of the cake, the birthday girl and a couple of family and friends.

Amber and Brie

Beautiful Amber

Amber and her son AJ

Amber choking to death on all the smoke from her candles.

Happy 33rd birthday Amber!


Ramber2011 said...

I love it! Thank You!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures of a very pretty "young" Amber!! AA

Brenda said...

She is a cute little thing.

cathy said...

That's my sister amber such awesome pics u got

Brenda said...

Thanks Cathy. Are you doing the challenge also? You are welcome to join in.

I need to ask Amber's permission to post her blog page.