Monday, March 19, 2012

I Kept Pretty Busy This Weekend

My boss is retiring at the end of the month, and I'm on the committee to plan her retirement party.  We have a budget of pretty much nothing (about $100. for decorations and gift).  We had to get creative because there are going to be about 80-100 people attending.

We came up with a travel theme for her, but decorations are not easy to find on a budget in a short amount of time.  So then planes, trains and automobiles was thrown out there.  I happen to know someone who has several cars (thank you Uncle Lynn), so he loaned them to me for the party.  So basically our theme know is no planes, no trains, just automobiles. 

We bought some old fashioned postcards and are having everyone sign those and then putting them in an album. 

We could only afford plastic tablecloths, so someone came up with the brilliant idea to table runners...this is where my weekend gets busy.  I got to buy material and sew the table runners for her party.  Sounds like no problem right, wrong, I don't know how to sew.

Thank God for my mom. She came down and showed me how to get started. I've finished all but one of them.

Material in my sewing machine.

Sewing one of the table runners.

This is what I get for buying cheap material - fraying, nasty mess.

A pile of the table runners.


Amy said...

Good for you! I bet they'll look great.

Brenda said...

Well, they don't look great, but they are good enough. There may be a post showing the finished product in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Love that fabric!!

Brenda said...

Thanks Barb. I really liked the fabric with the lines. It had a little metallic in it. Anything that is shiny or blingy = love to me.