Saturday, January 1, 2011

Party Like ...

you are going to have to work the next day, that's what Todd and I did for the New Year. Like the party animals we are, we ate some yummy taco salad, watched two episodes of Fringe, and then made a mad dash to our EB (electric blanket). Once there, we promptly fell asleep. Something about our 40's has sure made us in to, well, old people.

The kids did their own thing, Austin worked and played games after work, Alexxa went to Cory's house and celebrated with his family. We don't have cable, so there really was no point in staying up late, it would just make us tired and grumpy the next day.

Although our New Year was pretty low key, the two prior two days we had fun. On Wednesday we all went to the snow and played around, and on Thursday Todd, Lexx, Cory and I went bowling. I pretty much stunk and scored the lowest out of the two games I played. The other three took turns getting strikes and spares while I was lucky not to gutter ball it. As stinky as I am, I had tons of fun.

I hope that everyone had a safe and Happy New Year. Here's to a great MMXI.

Austin tried pulling Lexx on the sled. That lasted about 10 seconds.

Todd then tried to pull Austin and Lexx. That lasted about 20 seconds.

Then Mr. Jeep got in on the action. We played for the rest of the PM.

The place where we played in the snow.

Todd, Austin and Alexxa hamming it up.

Austin and Alexxa being pulled by the Todd (and the Jeep).

Things I'm thankful for today:
The ability to party like a rockstar (hehehehe).
Getting to go to the snow with the fam.
Feeling like I'm a kid again because I'm playing in the snow.

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