Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Summer To Do List ...Review

So it's time to see how I did on my Summer To Do List.
I wasn't quite as successful as I was with my Fall list,
but I did get the majority of items checked off my list.
Let's take a look.

1.   Try a new restaurant
Done ...The family went to Casablanca's Moroccan Restaurant.
Not only was the food delicious, the atmosphere was great
and we all had a good time.

2.   Paint hallway and bedroom
Fail...it was too hot this Summer.
Maybe I'll get it done this Fall...maybe?

3.   Visit another state
Done...we visited my parents in Oregon this Summer.

4.   Read a book
Done...Read The Martian.

5.   Buy some cute sandals
Done...bought a cute little pair from Target.
No picture provided, but you can use your imagination.
They're sandals.

6.   Go to the beach
Done...I didn't go to the ocean,
but I did go to Tahoe.

7.   Have a picnic
Done...sort of.
We had a mini picnic on our ride home from Reno.
A real picnic...not really.

8.   Go to the movies
Done...watched The Secret Life of Pets.
Cute, but not what I expected.

9.   Go to a farmers market or flea market
Done...we've been to the farmer's market several times.

10.  Have a family game night
Fail...how hard can it be?
We didn't do it, maybe this Fall.

11.  Complete either an art project or building project
Done...Todd and I made a frame for 
my dad for his birthday.

12.  Make homemade ice cream
Well...I kind of didn't make it,
but I talked my mom into making it,
and that's even better.
So, I'm calling that a win!

13.  Go to a concert (if it's not too hot)
Done...went to see Alabama with the hubby 
for our anniversary.

14.  Put the computer and cell phone away for a full day
Done...I didn't use any electronic devices for
a full day when I was on vacation in Oregon.

15.  Go on a nature walk
Done...we took a walk along the American River.

I plan on adding the painting, and family game night
to an upcoming list.  I'll get these things done...

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