Monday, July 25, 2016

Day 5-9: Vacation in Oregon

We visited my parents in Oregon four days
out of my nine day vacation.
The usual 6 hour trip took us about 10 hours
to get there due to a horrific accident
(looked like a fatality). 
We sat in traffic over an hour while
emergency personnel worked to clean
up the horrible scene.

It was a long drive, but we did get
to see some beautiful scenery on the way.
It was overcast, and rained a little,
but it made for some nice pictures.
We rolled in around 10 PM,
said hello's and goodnights,
and then picked up and had some fun the next day.
The boys played with the drone
and practiced with it on the property.
Austin really seemed to enjoy the toy the most
as he was able to maneuver it best.
Around 2 PM, I drove with my mom
and daughter to go pick up my sister
and my niece at the airport 2 hours away.
We ended up getting back to my parent's house around 8 PM.
After a 10 hour drive on Thursday and a 5ish hour drive on Friday,
I was exhausted!
Saturday we all just laid around and relaxed
(for the most part).
We did take a walk down to the lake.
Todd figured out how to use the panoramic
on my phone and took this awesome picture.

I didn't get many pictures of the visit
because I was in the car for most of it,
and then I was sleeping, reading or
watching tv the rest of the time.
I did manage to get a couple of pictures of my niece.
She is getting so big!
I can't believe she's going to be 8.
I liked this picture because you can see
how tall my niece is.
Lexx is around 5'6", so you get the idea.
Todd is actually around 6', but the land slopes
so it makes it look like he is a hobbit.
When we left my parents on Sunday,
we got quite the send off.
My sister was wearing her shower turban.
Nice look!
My parent's and their dogs also wished
us a safe ride home, and then before you know it
we were headed back home...
it really seemed like we had just got there
and then we had to turn around and leave.

On our way home we stopped at
one of our favorite spots
It was beautiful as usual,
but this time some of the park was not
opened to the public due to snow...
in the middle of July!
This is a picture of one of the lakes near Bumpass Hell.
We did stop and take a couple pictures,
but we didn't spend much time in the park.

After we left Lassen, we headed to Chester, CA
to have some dinner, and then head home.
Dinner was fine, but between Chester and Quincy,
there was another fatal car wreck
that had the road closed for a minimum of an hour.

We thought we would take an alternate route
and just get home about half and hour later
than planned...wrong.
We got lost in the middle of nowhere for
about an hour, maybe more.
It's a good thing that it was beautiful,
and we had just filled our gas tank,
or I would have started to worry.
Oh, did I mention we didn't get
cell service in the area we got lost?
We finally popped out on a road about
an hour outside of Reno, NV.
It wasn't exactly close to home,
but at least we knew where we were
and how to get home from there.

We got home around 11 PM,
and we were all thoroughly exhausted from
driving all day long.
We returned our rental car on Monday
morning and then relaxed for the rest of the day.

It wasn't exactly a perfect vacation,
but there was lots of family time,
which I totally treasure.

I'm already starting to plan next
years vacation, so it's not disjointed like this years.
Overall, I can't complain.
I didn't have to work and I could sleep in
as late as I wanted. 
What more could a girl ask for?

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