Thursday, October 27, 2016

Pumpkin Farm With the Fam

This year, I managed to get Todd and Lexx 
to go with me to Bishop's Pumpkin Farm.
If you remember last year,
I had to go by myself because Todd was
helping his brother with his house,
and the kids were both away at college.

Todd's brother finished his house,
and Lexx graduated, so they had no excuse 
not to join me this year.
This made me super happy!

Last year, as you remember from my previous post,
I was discombobulated and took 
a while to get my bearings.
This year, I was an expert!
I knew right where I wanted to go,
and had no problem directing Todd and Lexx.

We ended up exploring some cool little areas
that I didn't get to really see last year.
We actually started our afternoon in the
garden area of the farm.

Bordering the flower garden was 
their antique farm equipment.

After we explored for a little bit,
we decided to go get some food.
Of course we got my favorite,
the pumpkin bread, as well as a cranberry
and white chocolate scone and a cinnamon roll.
We didn't eat it all there, but we taste
tested all of it while relaxing at their
little picnic area.
After we finished stuffing our faces,
we decided to take some pictures of pumpkins 
and the cute little pumpkin farm train.
We visited the field on the back side of
the farm.  This field was much smaller 
than the others, and it was pretty picked over.

It was really fun seeing all the little
kids excited to be at the farm.

After we wandered around, and didn't find
any pumpkins, we decided to just pick some
pumpkins out of the trucks.
After approximately 2 minutes of looking,
Todd and Lexx found the pumpkins they 
wanted and we were able to check out.
In all, we were there for a couple hours.
Although it was fairly crowded,
it was still relaxing and fun.
I just love spending special time with my family.
It's way more fun when you can share experiences with someone.
Maybe next year, Austin will be able to go with us.

1 comment:

Alddeus said...

Wish i could have gone. It looks like you all had fun though. :)