Monday, May 16, 2016

Mother's Day Celebration

I had such a wonderful Mother's Day.
My hubby made sure to spoil me
and take care of me since the kids
are away at school and couldn't help me celebrate.

Todd asked me where I wanted to go
to celebrate, and I was in an Islands kind of mood.
Of course I had to have a strawberry
daiquiri and diet Coke.

I was REALLY thirsty!

On Sunday morning, Todd went to his mom's
house to help her do yard work.
After helping her out for about 5 hours,
we headed off to Sizzler for dinner.

I took this great picture of Anne and the boys
with my cell phone after dinner.
Amber was wanting her picture taken
so I obliged and took this cute
one the two of them.

Because it was Mother's Day,
I figured I better get a picture.

Ya, I'm a dork.
I was trying to take a selfie,
but it was at a weird angle so I was
kind of leaping in the picture.
I may look horrible, but Todd sure looks hot.
That's my hot Toddy!

After we finished dinner,
Todd's Uncle Lynn brought over
flowers to the house.
Aren't they beautiful!
I just love that color purple.

Todd also got me this awesome gift set.
I'm a sucker for cute packaging,
and I loved the pretty white box
with all the gold details.

Inside was a bottle of Miss Dior,
and a little pink atomizer that feels like leather,
and would fit in most purses.

And last, but not least,
I got this wonderful card and gift
certificate from my two wonderful,
but broke, children who shouldn't have.
They are so thoughtful,
it makes me tear up!

It was such a nice celebration,
and the only thing that could have made
it better was to have the kids with me.
I feel so fortunate to have such
wonderful and thoughtful people in my life,
and I know I'm truly blessed.


Alexxa McComb said...

You deserve it Momma! Love you super-duper much :)

Anonymous said...

Fantastic day with my boys!! The Sizzler group was "frosting on the cake" and I am so grateful you take such great pictures. AA